People around the world consider
Lapis Lazuli to be a gemstone
of truth and friendship. It is reputed to bring about harmony in
relationships and to cleanse the mental body while releasing old karmic
patterns. This gemstone is useful in improving emotional, physical,
spiritual and
psychic conditions. It relieves depression while promoting peace.
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Lapis Lazuli's evocative name is
a combination of the Latin word
“lapis” ("stone") and the Arabian name “azul”, meaning "blue." One of
the few rocks used as a gem, Lapis Lazuli is composed of grains of
several blue minerals.
Lapis lazuli was one of the first gemstones ever to be used and worn as
jewelry. It was found in excavations of tombs at sites surrounding the
Mediterranean dating back to the Early Dynastic period (2900-2300
B.C.). These excavations unearthed jewelry samples containing Lapis.
Countless necklaces and other artifacts crafted from Lapis Lazuli have
been found at ancient sites, clearly indicating that the people of
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome cherished this deep-blue
gemstone. The legendary city of Ur, situated on the Euphrates River, is
reported to have run busy trade of Lapis Lazuli as early as 4000
B.C. Many cultures worshiped it as a holy stone, especially in the
Orient, where it was believed to posses magical powers.
Today, people around the world consider Lapis Lazuli to be a gemstone
of truth and friendship. It is reputed to bring about harmony in
relationships and to cleanse the mental body while releasing old karmic
patterns. Being a spiritual gemstone, it allows spiritual energy to be
absorbed in the aura.
This gemstone is useful in improving emotional, physical, spiritual and
psychic conditions. It relieves depression while promoting peace. Lapis
is excellent for the use in divination. It is used by placing it on an
altar while scrying, gazing, or reading Tarot or runes. Lapis is very
protective and promotes courage as well. It may be used to draw
spiritual love to oneself, and is a powerful fidelity charm.
Major sources include Afghanistan, Egypt, Canada and Chile.
Amethyst helps to calm fears and
reduce stress. It dispels both doubts
and negativity while it relieves depression. Amethyst promotes good
judgment and induces vivid dreams. It increases mental powers, which
makes it incredibly useful in psychism. Amethyst draws pure and true
emotional love as well.
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Amethyst is the most highly prized variety of quartz and if not
for its
widespread availability, would be very expensive. With its luscious
color, it is February's official birthstone and one of the best-selling
This gemstone's name is derived from the Greek word “amethystos”,
meaning "not drunken" as people of ancient times believed it to protect
its wearer from drunkenness.
Leonardo De Vinci wrote that Amethyst had the power to dissipate evil
thoughts and quicken intelligence. Moses described it as a symbol of
the Spirit of God on the official robe of the High Priest of the Jews.
In Tibet, Amethyst is considered sacred to Buddha, and rosaries are
often fashioned from it. Western mystics say this gemstone helps
instill the highest ideals and urges one to do what is right. It is
also claimed that Amethyst cures impatience, alleviates feelings of
victimization, balances high energy, eliminates chaos and helps keep
one grounded.
Amethyst helps to calm fears and reduce stress. It dispels both doubts
and negativity while it relieves depression. Amethyst promotes good
judgment and induces vivid dreams. It increases mental powers, which
makes it incredibly useful in psychism. Amethyst draws pure and true
emotional love as well.
Amethyst is the official state gemstone of the state of Georgia, and is
mined in the U.S.A., Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Zambia,
Namibia and other African countries.
Aquamarine enhances the
utilization of psychic powers and makes the
mind more alert. It is excellent for cleansing and purifying.
Aquamarine can be used in rituals to ensure good health. It soothes and
calms emotional problems and promotes peace, happiness, and joy as it
halts fear. Aquamarine is a gemstone of psychism, and courage.
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Aquamarine is a gemstone-quality transparent variety of beryl. It is of
a delicate blue or turquoise color, suggesting the tint of seawater. It
is closely related to the Emerald. gemstone.
Aquamarine is March's birthstone, and is also the gemstone representing
the 19th Anniversary.
Legend says that Aquamarine was first found in mermaids' treasure
chests, making it renowned as a lucky gemstone for sailors. Its name is
derived from the Latin words for "water" and "sea." Consequently,
Aquamarine is said to protect from perils of the sea, including
seasickness. It is also said to heal nerve pain, glandular problems,
toothaches, and neck, jaw, and throat disorders.
Aquamarine enhances the utilization of psychic powers and makes the
mind more alert. It is excellent for cleansing and purifying.
Aquamarine can be used in rituals to ensure good health. It soothes and
calms emotional problems and promotes peace, happiness, and joy as it
halts fear. Aquamarine is a gemstone of psychism, and courage.
Sources of aquamarine include Brazil, India, Russia, Mozambique,
Madagascar, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Wearing this stone at night will
help prevent nightmares and induce a
good night's sleep. Citrine aids tapping into its user's power to give
magic its energy .Citrine can be used as a good luck gemstone. It helps
one increase self-esteem. Citrine is an excellent gemstone to use for
promoting creativity. It is good for psychic awareness and protection
as well.
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The name Citrine is derived from the French “citron”, or "lemon" for
its color.
In ancient times, Citrine was carried for protection against snake
venom and evil thoughts, but it didn't make up for substantial use as a
gemstone in jewelry until the Romantic Period (1837-1860). Citrine is
valued for the treatment of depression and is said to eliminate
self-destructive tendencies. It is also purported to stimulate memory,
aid digestion, remove toxins from the body and fight diabetes. Citrine
symbolizes light-heartedness, joy, happiness, wisdom and peace, and is
said to enhance creativity as well as motivate writers.
Wearing this stone at night will help prevent nightmares and induce a
good night's sleep. Citrine aids tapping into its user's power to give
magic its energy .Citrine can be used as a good luck gemstone. It helps
one increase self-esteem. Citrine is an excellent gemstone to use for
promoting creativity. It is good for psychic awareness and protection
as well.
Citrine mainly originates in India, but Brazil is also a major source
of the world's citrine.
This gemstone is excellent for
increasing courage, especially for the
shy. It helps promote self-confidence while inducing peace.
offsets doubt and negativity, as well as being excellent for the
purpose of increasing sexual desire among couples. Carnelian is very
useful in spells relating to lust, and very helpful in all forms of
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Carnelian is one of the birthstones listed in ancient Arabic, Hebrew,
Italian and Roman tables and is the Zodiac birthstone for the signs of
Leo and Virgo.
The word “carnelian” is derived from the Latin word caro, or carnis
meaning flesh; in reference to the flesh color it sometimes exhibits.
Carnelian is an A-grade agate. What is called "true carnelian" by many
people, is the fiery red/orange color, and in theory, Carnelian
naturally is that color.
In the Middle East, Carnelian represents the Hebrew tribe of Reuben and
the apostle Philip. In Hebrew literature, Carnelian appears as one of
the gemstones in Aaron's breastplate. Some Muslims call it "the Mecca
stone." Islamic doctrine holds that engraving the name of Allah on
carnelian stones boosts courage.
Carnelian was used widely during Roman times, some 2,000 years before
the present era to produce signet or seal rings for imprinting wax
seals on correspondence or other important documents, as hot wax does
not stick to Carnelian.
This gemstone is excellent for increasing courage, especially for the
shy. It helps promote self-confidence while inducing peace.
Carnelian offsets doubt and negativity, as well as being excellent for
the purpose of increasing sexual desire among couples. Carnelian is
very useful in spells relating to lust, and very helpful in all forms
of healing. It may also be used to protect one from people who try to
read his/her thoughts.
Chrysocolla is a stone of peace,
increased wisdom, discretion.
This gem promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and
a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease
nervousness and irritability. It can drive off unreasonable fears and
illusions, sooth emotions and create peace.
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Chrysocolla is a very beautiful stone with much beneficial energy. It
has become known as a healing stone among the Native American Indian
cultures where it was used for strengthening the body's resistance and
bringing about calm feelings where upset was present.
Chrysocolla is of attractive blue-green color and is a minor ore of
It's name is derived from the Greek chrysos, "gold", and kolla, "glue",
in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold.
Chrysocolla is a stone of peace, increased wisdom, discretion.
This gem promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and
a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease
nervousness and irritability. It can drive off unreasonable fears and
illusions, sooth emotions and create peace.
Notable occurrences include Israel, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Chile, Cornwall in England, and Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and
Pennsylvania in the United States.
Emeralds are simply excellent
for love and friendship rituals. The
Emerald is also known for its ability to draw wealth and success,
especially in business situations while helping to draw attention to
your business. Emeralds increase memory and psychic abilities. It is
very good to use this gemstone for protection, especially from
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Emeralds are fascinating gemstones. They have the most beautiful, most
intense and most radiant green that can possibly be imagined: Emerald
green. When of top quality, fine Emeralds are even more valuable than
Innumerable fantastic stories have risen around this magnificent gem.
The Incas and Aztecs of South America, where the best Emeralds are
still found at present times, regarded the Emerald as a holy gemstone.
However, the oldest known finds made once were probably near the Red
Sea in Egypt. Having said that, these gemstone mines were exploited by
Egyptian pharaohs as early as 3000 - 1500 B.C.
Emeralds are simply excellent for love and friendship rituals. The
Emerald is also known for its ability to draw wealth and success,
especially in business situations while helping to draw attention to
your business. Emeralds increase memory and psychic abilities. It is
very good to use this gemstone for protection, especially from
evil. If you have not received a warranted raise in your job, or feel
that your good work goes unnoticed by your boss, use the Emerald to
attract due attention and recognition.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes- is a text purporting to reveal the secret
of the primordial substance and its transmutations. It claims to be the
work of Hermes Trismegistus and was written on an Emerald tablet.
Garnets symbolize fire, faith,
courage, truth, grace, compassion,
constancy and fidelity. It is believed to stimulate the bloodstream and
pituitary gland, and help combat depression, lethargy and nightmares.
Garnets are to be carried close to the body to maximize their balancing
and peaceful energy, and are said to protect travelers from harm.
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The name for this coveted wine-colored gemstone, Garnet, is derived
from Latin: “granatus” for "seed like", possibly because the crystals
resemble pomegranate seeds.
This gleaming gemstone owes its brilliance to high refraction of light,
one of the Garnet's most appealing characteristics.
Garnets have been widely used for thousands of years. According to
legend, Noah suspended a finely cut, glowing garnet to illuminate his
ark and steer it through the dark nights. Garnets are also found in
jewelry from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and have been
best known as the “warrior's stone”.
Slices of garnet were also used as a mark of distinction in churches'
and temples' windows.
Garnets symbolize fire, faith, courage, truth, grace, compassion,
constancy and fidelity. It is believed to stimulate the bloodstream and
pituitary gland, and help combat depression, lethargy and nightmares.
Garnets are to be carried close to the body to maximize their balancing
and peaceful energy, and are said to protect travelers from harm.
Garnet is a highly protective stone, as it provides a barrier of
charged vibrations which repel negative energies upon contact. It is
useful as well for protection after dark. It can be used to strengthen
ones' aura, and is great for lending extra energy to rituals. It is
also useful in enhancing bodily strength and endurance.
Garnets are found in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, India,
Madagascar, Canada, the U.S.A., the Czech Republic and Spain.
Iolite is a good stone for
helping one find direction in life. Iolite helps one feel comfortable
in leadership roles and/or makes it easier for others to accept
him in that role. It keeps you from feeling you are the victim of
circumstances. Iolite also helps you to release the discord from your
life. It is a good healing stone.
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The name Iolite is derived from the Greek word 'ion', which means
violet. Iolite is usually of purplish blue when cut properly.
When Leif Eriksson and other legendary Viking explorers ventured far
out into the Atlantic Ocean, taking them away from any coastline that
could help them determine their location, they had a secret gem weapon:
Iolite. The Viking mariners used thin pieces of this gemstone as the
world's first polarizing filter. Looking through an Iolite lens, they
were able to determine the exact position of the sun, and navigate
their way safely to the New World and back.
Iolite helps one feel comfortable in leadership roles and/or makes it
easier for others to accept him in that role. This stone will
prevent you from giving others the power to stamp over you, or to
allow your emotions take control over yourself. At the same time, this
stone will not allow you to martyr yourself. It keeps you from feeling
you are the victim of circumstances.
Iolite helps to open the pathway for the spiritual. It connects the
throat, brow and crown chakras. It opens a subtle and gentle gateway of
communication to the Higher Self. It may be detected differently than
you would expect. By this I mean, it may manifest itself as sudden
"bursts" of intuition while you may gain a higher awareness for
guidance or purpose. Iolite is a good stone for helping one find
direction in life. The Shaman's would use this stone to ensure accuracy
with visions and influence the spirits during healing ceremonies.
Iolite also helps you to release the discord from your life. It is a
good healing stone.
The richer the blue of the gem, the better it is.
The Vikings probably mined Iolite from deposits in Norway and Greenland.
It is mined in India, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Brazil.
Labradorite is said to detoxify
the body and slow the aging process. It
is also believed to elevate consciousness and protect a person's aura,
helping keep the aura clear, balanced, protected and free from energy
leaks. Many say this gemstone heals mental confusion and indecision.
It increases inner strength and convictions, as well as promoting
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Labradorite is said to detoxify the body and slow the aging process. It
is also believed to elevate consciousness and protect a person's aura,
helping keep the aura clear, balanced, protected and free from energy
leaks. Many say this gemstone heals mental confusion and indecision.
Labradorite helps in opening the heart chakara in order to more readily
receive love. It increases inner strength and convictions, as well as
promoting courage. Labradorite draws success to its owner's life. It
greatly enhances dreaming and the ability to remember contents of the
dreams during the waking hours. Labradorite also helps to enhance all
forms of perception during the day.
This gemstone may be more powerful in one area than another, depending
upon the color the "flash" is. This is a fantastic stone to acquire,
and continue to carry or use throughout one's life - as the results of
the stone's energies continue to build, while each result enhances the
Labradorite is found in Labrador (Canada), Finland, Norway and the
former USSR.
Black onyx
Onyx is purported to help
eliminate apathy, stress and neurological
disorders, eliminate negative thinking, and sharpen the wits of its
wearer. It is used to correct habits, in addition to helping
concentration levels and aiding absentmindedness. Onyx is great for
defending against negativity. It can be used to
reduce sexual desires. Onyx is an extremely potent protective stone,
and is widely known for its ability to protect against psychic attacks
and hexes.
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In fine jewelry, the black backdrop is often supplied by Onyx, a black
chalcedony quartz with fine texture. Some Onyx displays white bands or
ribbons against a black background.
Onyx was very popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. Its name is
derived from the Greek word ”onyx”, which means nail or claw.
Onyx is one of the 12 stones mentioned in the Bible as adorning the
breastplate of the high priests, and is also mentioned in Genesis
2:11,12: "…the gold of that land is good; there is Bdellium and the
Onyx stone."
Onyx is purported to help eliminate apathy, stress and neurological
disorders, eliminate negative thinking, and sharpen the wits of its
wearer. It is used to correct habits, in addition to helping
concentration levels and aiding absentmindedness. Some believe it turns
the wearer into being more eloquent, and thus is worn for public
speaking. Onyx is great for defending against negativity. It can be
used to reduce sexual desires. Onyx is an extremely potent protective
stone, and is widely known for its ability to protect against psychic
attacks and hexes.
So if you would like to add a little black magic to your jewelry
design, why not consider Onyx?
The main sources of Onyx are India and South America, but it is also
found in China, Madagascar, Mexico and the U.S.A.
Peridot guards against
illusions, enchantments, and nightmares. If
anger is a problem, using this gemstone is known to calm even the
raging anger. Peridot also calms nervousness and banishes negative
emotions. Peridot is good for general healing, promotes sleep, and
attracts money. Natural healers use Peridot to heal the heart and lungs.
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Peridot (pronounced PEAR-ih-doh or PEAR-ih-dot) is created under great
temperatures and pressures deep within the earth, and is sometimes
extruded in basaltic lavas.
It is Augusts' traditional birthstone for it is said to have been
Cleopatra's favorite gemstone.
This gemstone is purported to help slow the aging process, both
physically and mentally and also facilitate the birthing process. It is
often said to help speech, increasing its eloquence and removing
impediments and it is sometimes used to find lost or misplaced things.
Many believe it to increase patience, confidence and assertiveness.
Natural healers use Peridot to heal the heart and lungs.
Peridot guards against illusions, enchantments, and nightmares. If
anger is a problem, using this gemstone is known to calm even the
most raging anger. Peridot also calms nervousness and banishes negative
emotions. Peridot is good for general healing, promotes sleep, and
attracts money.
Peridot is found on St. John's Island, Zebirget Island, Red Sea
(Egypt), Norway, Eifel, Germany, San Carlos (Arizona), Hawaii, Myanmar
(Burma), and Italy.
Drawing wealth, protection,
power and joy, the Ruby is anti-nightmare
as well, offering courage and energy increase. Due to its beautiful red
color, the Ruby is commonly used in love spells and to increase sexual
energy as well.
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For thousands of years, the Ruby has been considered one of the most
valuable gemstones on Earth. It has everything a precious stone should
have: magnificent color, excellent hardness and outstanding brilliance.
In addition, it is an extremely rare gemstone, especially in its finer
The most important quality of this precious gem is its color. It is no
coincidence the name 'Ruby' is derived from the Latin word 'Rubens',
meaning 'red'. There is no match for the Ruby's warm and fiery red.
Two magical elements are associated with the symbolism of this color:
fire and blood, implying warmth and life for mankind. Ruby-red is not
just any old color, no, it is an absolutely undiluted, hot, passionate,
powerful color. Unlike any other gemstone, the Ruby is the perfect way
to express powerful feelings. Instead of symbolizing calm, controlled
affection, a ring set with a precious Ruby bears witness to that
passionate, unbridled love that people can feel.
Drawing wealth, protection, power and joy, the Ruby is anti-nightmare
as well, offering courage and energy increase. Due to its beautiful red
color, the Ruby is commonly used in love spells and to increase sexual
energy as well.
Sapphire is considered a stone
of creative expression, intuition and
meditation. It is also said to increase mental clarity and alleviate
depression. This gemstone is known to promote light and pure emotions
such as serenity, joy and peace. Sapphire is associated with the brow
chakra, and many believe it to aid in lowering fever and inflammation
as well as to improve burns and hearing problems.
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Blue sapphire is associated with Saturn and is September's birthstone.
The 45th wedding anniversary is known as the “Sapphire anniversary”.
Sapphire seems to be a corrupted form of “Sanipriya” (Sanskrit: “Sani”,
hence “Saturn”, “Priya”, hence “Beloved”). Buddhist monks who
immigrated to the Middle East introduced the stone as “Sani Piriya” and
eventually it become “Sapir” and Sapphire.
In essence, the Ruby is a red Sapphire, since Rubies and Sapphires are
identical in all their properties except for color. Sapphire is the
most precious of blue gemstones, and is a most desirable gem due to its
color, hardness, durability and luster.
Sapphire is considered a stone of creative expression, intuition and
meditation. It is also said to increase mental clarity and alleviate
depression. This gemstone is known to promote light and pure emotions
such as serenity, joy and peace. Sapphire is associated with the brow
chakra, and many believe it to aid in lowering fever and inflammation
as well as to improve burns and hearing problems.
Sapphires are found in India, Myanmar, Ceylon, Thailand, Vietnam,
Australia, Brazil and Africa.
Considered a stone of wholeness,
turquoise promotes a sense of unity of
the self and oneness with all that surrounds us. It is said to make one
feel at home in both physical and spiritual worlds.
Turquoise is said
to open all chakras, permitting the attributes of love, completeness
and communication to flow through the body, increasing spiritual
bonding. It is also believed to assist the absorption of nutrients
strengthening the immune system and stimulating tissue regeneration.
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Probably one of the most recognized semiprecious gemstones that exist,
Turquoise has been popular since prehistoric times. Its name comes from
French: pierre turquoise, meaning "Turkish stone,"
Turquoise has been mined for eons, since 6000 B.C., if not before then.
Early Egyptians wore this semiprecious gem, and many Turquoise stones
have been found in their tombs. The ancient Aztecs of Mexico believed
Turquoise to be a holy stone making mere mortals not worthy of wearing
it; Turquoise was reserved for the worship of their gods. Persian
philosopher Al Kazwini wrote that "the hand wearing Turquoise and
using it as a sealing stone will never be poor."
A wonderful all-around, very protective stone stone. It is used to draw
love, money, health and beauty. Turquoise is used in rituals in order
to attract new friends or lovers. Turquoise is said to Promote joy,
making it a wonderful gift, as it is said to grant the receiver wealth
and happiness.
Considered a stone of wholeness, turquoise promotes a sense of unity of
the self and oneness with all that surrounds us. It is said to make one
feel at home in both physical and spiritual worlds.
Turquoise is said to open all chakras, permitting the attributes of
love, completeness and communication to flow through the body,
increasing spiritual bonding. It is especially linked to the fifth
(throat) chakra and is believed to assist in opening the fourth (heart)
chakra. It is also believed to assist the absorption of nutrients while
strengthening the immune system and stimulating tissue regeneration.
Smokey Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a wonderful
gemstone to use for grounding and
centering. This gemstone can also be used to help overcome depression
and other negative emotions. It is also an excellent mood elevator.
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Smoky Quartz is a wonderful gemstone to use for grounding and
centering. This gemstone can also be used to help overcome depression
and other negative emotions. It is also an excellent mood elevator.
Smoky Quartz is said to enhance survival instincts and help one reach
personal and business goals, as well as assist in making wishes come
Many use Smoky Quartz to treat problems associated with the lower
torso, including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas and the reproductive
organs. It is said to be also good for dealing with hyperactivity and
attention-deficit disorders.
Smoky Quartz is found in Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, U.S.
(Colorado), Australia and Spain. Smoky quartz from the Cairngorm
Mountains of Scotland is called cairngorm.
The Moonstone symbolizes our
being in its entirety.
The Moonstone is helpful in dieting and maintaining a youthful
appearance. The moonstone is love drawing and helpful for
reconciliation. The Moonstone is a gently protective stone, and is
extremely useful in protection while traveling by water.
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The Moonstone's name is derived from a visual effect or sheen, caused
by light reflecting internally in the Moonstone from layer inclusions
of different feldspars.
The Romans thought that the Moonstone was formed of moonlight and began
wearing it in jewelry around 100 A.D. This gemstone has always been
considered sacred in India, and Europeans of the Middle Ages thought
that by looking into a Moonstone, one would fall into a deep sleep and
see the future. The Moonstone was very popular in the early 20th
century and was used extensively in art nouveau jewelry. Legend
suggests that Moonstone awakens tender passions if placed beneath the
tongues of lovers during a full moon.
The Moonstone symbolizes our being in its entirety. With its soft
shimmer, it strengthens our emotional and subconscious beings. The
associations concerned with this make it a "lovers' stone", evoking
tender feelings and safeguarding the true joys of love. It is also said
that wearing a Moonstone strengthens our intuition and our capacity of
Great for divination and psychism, many people keep a Moonstone with
their Tarot cards for increased psychic ability. The Moonstone is
helpful in dieting and maintaining a youthful appearance. The moonstone
is love drawing and helpful for reconciliation. The Moonstone is a
gently protective stone, and is extremely useful in protection while
traveling by water.
This gemstone is believed to aid
in healing of eye diseases, and should
a person fall ill, it is believed to lose all of its color to the
wearer. It is also said to soothe the eyes and nerves, and may enhance
All of Natures’ splendor seems to be reflected in the manifold opulence
of fine Opals: fire and lightning, all colors of the rainbow and the
soft shine of faraway oceans.
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Precious Opal has been considered a semiprecious gemstone since Roman
times, in which it was second in value only to the Emerald. The Romans
considered this gemstone to be one of good fortune, revering it as a
powerful aid to prophecy.
Numerous legends and tales surround this colorful gemstone. The Opal
can be traced back in its origins to a time long before our memory, to
the ancient dream time of the Australian aborigines. It is reported in
their legends that the Creator came down to earth on a rainbow, in
order to bring the message of peace to all humans. The legend tells
that at the very spot where His foot touched the ground, the stones
came alive and began sparkling in all of the rainbow' colors. That was
the birth of the Opals.
Today, this gemstone is believed to aid in healing of eye diseases, and
should a person fall ill, it is believed to lose all of its color to
the wearer. It is also said to soothe the eyes and nerves, and may
enhance creativity.
All of Natures’ splendor seems to be reflected in the manifold opulence
of fine Opals: fire and lightning, all colors of the rainbow and the
soft shine of faraway oceans.
Australia is the Opal's classic country of origin. As much as 95% of
all fine opals come from its dry and remote outback deserts.
Malachite is said to aid in the
regeneration of body cells and lend them extra energy. It guards
against negativity and depression, calms and soothes,
enhances the ability to give and receive love. Malachite increases
business success and money affairs. It helps to promote sleep.
Malachite is very protective against physical dangers. This is a
wonderful stone for the use of protecting children, and protection
while traveling.
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malachite's name is probably derived from the Greek word “malache”:
“green/herb”, for its color, or possibly from the Greek word “malakos”:
“soft”, for its low hardness.
Malachite was mined in the Sinai Peninsula around 4000 B.C., and this
gemstone was popular with the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for
jewelry and amulets. Malachite was also ground with galena, then mixed
with water so it can be used as eye shadow. Malachite was considered to
be an amulet particularly appropriate for children. If a piece of this
gemstone was attached to an infant's cradle, all evil spirits were
thought to be held at bay allowing the child to sleep peacefully.
Today, Malachite is still used as a children's talisman to ward off
danger and illness. Malachite was a popular ornamental stone in Czarist
Russia, where it was used to build the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral
in Leningrad. It decorates many walls and whole rooms of other
religious and public buildings as well.
Malachite is said to aid in the regeneration of body cells and lend
them extra energy. It is believed that gazing at Malachite or holding
it relaxes the nervous system and calms stormy emotions. Malachite is
said to bring about harmony into one's life, and endow knowledge and
Malachite is good for lending extra energy to magical spells. It guards
against negativity and depression, calms and soothes, enhances the
ability to give and receive love. Malachite increases business success
and money affairs. It helps to promote sleep. Malachite is very
protective against physical dangers. This is a wonderful stone for the
use of protecting children, and protection while traveling.
Zaire is the major source of malachite, but Chile, Zimbabwe, Australia,
the U.S.A. (Arizona), France and England also produce this gemstone.
Rose Quartz
Emotionally, this gemstone is
believed to bring gentleness,
forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance, to help raise
self-esteem and to remove fears, resentments and anger. Some say it can
also heal and release childhood traumas, neglect and lack of love, in
part by enhancing inner awareness.
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This blushing gemstone is one of the most desirable varieties of
Often called the "love stone," Rose Quartz is said to open the heart
chakra to all forms of love: self love, family love, platonic love and
romantic love. Emotionally, this gemstone is believed to bring
gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance, to help
raise self-esteem and to remove fears, resentments and anger. Some say
it can also heal and release childhood traumas, neglect and lack of
love, in part by enhancing inner awareness. Rose quartz has been
attributed the power to help with family reconciliations and ease
overwhelming or unreasonable guilt.
Physically, the gemstone is used to benefit the heart, circulatory
system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual
dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions
and ear aches.
Rose quartz is the definitive stone for love rituals. It is extremely
love attracting. It also promotes peace, happiness, and fidelity in
established relationships.
Rose quartz is found in Madagascar, Brazil, India, Germany and several
parts of the U.S.A.
chrisoberyl- cat's eye
green Tourmaline, Pink-Tourmaline