By the Astrologer Michael Ofek
The Concept of Talisman
The concept of A Talisman has its roots In ancient metaphysical and cosmological
world views, mainly the Hermetic and Neoplatonic Traditions. Those philosophies
serve as the underlying ideas and principles that are applied in the practices
of Astrology, Magic/Theurgy and Alchemy.
The Ancients believed that the 'Higher' world is reflected in the 'lower', which
is the basic premise of astrology and magic, and that by certain means
one can Intentionally create 'images' that reflect those higher 'ideas' and
their corresponding virtues, or as modern will say, the Archetypal essences
or principles.
Select the right time
A Talisman is a generic word for such an object, it is a receptacle designed
to capture a certain higher essence or 'image', as the biblical phrase goes
" in God's image (hebrew: צלם - tselem) He created him". The
receptacle can be a specific physical object like a jewelry or a statue, but
it may also be more abstract, as a special event, ceremony, or the founding
of a city. The astrological procedure of electing the right time for a
Talisman (for a specific purpose) is much the same As the rules of Electional
astrology, which is a branch in Astrology That is concerned with finding Auspicious
times for different ventures and projects, no matter how big or small, from
finding the best time to go to war, or crown a king, to a opening of a business
or publishing a book, or having a weeding etc.
Because astrology deals with time from a qualitative perspective, it is a tool
for underpinning the different kinds of essential qualities governing different
periods, much like a farmers almanac, telling us what is the best time to sow
our seeds, for best results.
The word for IMAGE in ancient hebrew is "Tselem" (צלם), which
is a tri-letter root, mostly used today for the word photograph, which is "tsilom",
a photograph is an image of something, but not the thing itself, it mirrors
a 3D reality in a small 2D image. Another corresponding word is "tsel" (צל)
which is shadow, which has a very similar symbology, as the earth plane is like
the shadow of the real divine light, much like the plato allegory of the cave,
the same goes for the everything is the physical world, according to the ancient
philosophers. The physical is an image, of a 'higher' nonphysical, eternal reality,
the movement of which is reflected in the 'image' of the moving sky.
As Plato says "time is the moving image of eternity" and the planets are the
wheels of time, moving through the eternal images (or plato's Ideas/forms) or
zodiacal signs, activating their different potentials, in many diverse ways
in the earth physical plane.
The Word Talisman
The word Talisman is a french word that probably comes from the hebrew word
"tselem" or its counterpart Arabic word “tilsam” (magical figure)
which is itself derived from the middle Greek “telesma”, “telesmos”
(consecration) and probably from an older Greek word “telein” which
means initiation and also completion (the Greek “telos” as in the
word “teleology” which is the ultimate purpose or the Aristotelian
'final cause'). The etymology of the word gives us the impression that a Talisman
is an object which is magically consecrated and is made for a specific purpose.
From this perspective, we are all living Talismans, created in the Image of
a higher being/essence, or our higher self, reflecting the astrological image
of our time of birth, each of us is individually designed to animate different
qualities for a specific purpose or experience.
Talisman Magic
What Talisman magic is doing, is imitating this principle, reflecting creation
in a very small and specific scale. Talisman making has a really old and long
tradition, from Babylon and Egypt through the Hellenistic era, up to the renaissance
and middle ages. It is found in different forms in many cultures around the
world, like in India for example, where it is a common remedial measure for
many ailments and problems.
Everything we do here in Ka-Gold in the procedure of making the Talisman is
based upon the essential rules and considerations that are found in the old
texts, combined with our own creative additions. Many use the word Talisman
for their jewelry, but few really know what it means. As said before, an authentic
Talisman is a product of the converging of many of the old doctrines, and it
is based on the understanding and application of the old metaphysical/cosmological
worldview coupled with Astrological and Magical procedures.
The essence is of course the invocation of a specific quality from the movement
of energies represented by the cycles of the planets in relation to earth in
a given time/space.
In this category there are also grades of specificity, making a talisman for
when, let’s say, Jupiter is strong (qualitatively speaking) which is more
universal, and is good for many things, yet is much less specific than finding
a moment that is balancing and strengthening many elements based on an individual
chart. I cannot even try to explain the complexity of such a venture, nor the
rules one must follow to pin down a moment in the ever changing sky with all
its wheels and cycles.
Utilizing Magical Traditions
Utilizing the tools of the magical tradition, helps us to use in a more Conscious
way the energies of our system and within ourselves, and help us navigate and
control better those energies according to our wishes.
The Talisman is an intention born in time/space, just like a human being. It
has a map that charts its qualities, aspirations and circumstances. Of course
the Talisman is not a living body per se, but it is a living intention with
its own unique spirit carved from the moving qualities of time, and given birth
to by the Artist/Magus, who acts as a mediator and amplifier of the Talisman's
Intent. The Talisman is considered to have a destiny of its own (as was chosen
in advance) it is encoded with its own 'telos' or functional and essential proposal.
When one wears a Talisman the two destinies mingle, delicately persuading each
other to a balanced state, in accordance with the needs of the individual’s
chart. The Talisman carries qualities that will gently help the wearer as he
gets more and more in sync with the talisman’s intention.
After the auspicious time for the talisman has been chosen, then the Artist/Magus
(David Weitzman) will perform the consecration 'ritual' which is the assembly
and completion of the physical Talisman, while concentrating on the intention
and the astrological powers invoked.
The talisman itself should carry the symbols and glyphs of the intentioned astrological
energy, and it should be made with the metal/stone 'ruled' by the planet/s invoked.
Ka-Gold's Talismans
The Talismans presented in this site are truly unique, authentically made in
the traditional method, by a gifted artist with much care and spirit. Feeling
a Talisman work is a subtle thing. Give it time and you will find that your
energy and circumstance are changing and balancing. It can happen in many ways.
Remember that our personality traits and patterns are so ingrained that it takes
time for deep changes to occur. The talisman can attract and help push you to
a higher perspective and reflection; it can guide you and help enhance different
qualities in you and your outer circumstances, but not completely without your
own initiative. Nothing can override your experiential needs reflected in your
birth chart. Talismans and gem stones don't give you energy as much as they
invoke the different energies from within you, that help balance and give more
strength, therefore giving more opportunities for growth and understanding.
It is also a good idea to reinforce the power of the talisman once in a while
with meditation, or just a deep prayer/concentration while holding the Talisman
in your hands, you can also state your intention out loud while visualizing
its realization in your mind, it is custom to do that while moving the Talisman
in a smoke of a burning incense (preferably one that correlate with the energy
of the planet) but also sage will do fine, remember It is the intention That
About the writer - Michael Ofek
Michael Ofek is a professional astrologer,
teacher and consultant. He has been researching and practicing Ancient
Traditional Astrology and Astral Magic for over a decade. before delving
into astrology, He studied many different metaphysical and esoteric
traditions, sacred geometry, alchemy and shamanism. Today his work is
aimed at integrating the old astrological tradition with modern advances
in the field, while shedding new light on the cosmology and metaphysics
of the ancients. In his view, Astral magic simply put, is the use of
astrology to actively and consciously participate in creation.
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