Planetarische Begeisterung - Anhänger (*Limited Edition*)

Original Astrologietalisman, gefertigt zu bestimmten Zeiten der optimalen Anordnung der Sterne

Ein kraftvoller Talisman, der optimale Tierkreiszeichen Beziehungen benutzt, um dem Träger Persönlichkeitsentfaltung, Erfolg, solide Strebsamkeit und Gesundheit zu bringen.
$649 USD
3.00cm/3.00cm -  1.2Inch/1.2Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925
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Planetary Exaltation Pendant (*Limited Edition*)

Assembled on March 24th, 2023, between 12:35 - 13:38 GMT3 Givataim Israel.

The Planetary Exaltation (star of Magi) is one of the most complex projects I have ever done. The pendant is designed together with the Astrologer, Michael Ofek.
This is a rare and one of a kind talisman that I have made as THE GENUINE THING.

The Thema Mundi - Planetary Exaltation Talisman
This powerful design has been sold out for more than two years now. We finally get a chance to recreate it. The Planetary Exaltation Talisman is one of the most complex projects we have ever done. In this Talisman, each planet lies within the sign of the zodiac representing its place of exaltation, all embedded in the Thema Mundi - the ancient archetypal chart of the cosmos. The Thema Mundi is purported to be the paradigmatic rulership scheme and planet-sign relationships. As the Thema Mundi has the sign Cancer rising, placing the planets in their exalted signs reveals a powerful pattern having all the planets in strong house positions (the traditional “good/powerful” houses which aspect the Asc). Jupiter is exalted in rising Cancer symbolizes the birth and generation of earthly life, the Sun is exalted in culminating Aries, at the summit (zenith) of the Cosmos, etc.

This astrological image serves as the cosmic emblem of heightened and perfected planetary powers. And although it's technically impossible to have all planets exalted in the heaven at one time (Mercury cannot be further than 27 degrees from the Sun, so cannot be in Virgo when the Sun is in Aries) even having more than two planets in exaltation, at any one time, is pretty scarce. But at this event, we have all three planets at the top of the Thema Mundi chart (Sun- Aries, Moon -Taurus, Venus -Pisces) and two in their Rulership ! a very auspicious time to summon the image of the exalted cosmos as a whole.

The Talisman contains the seven classical planets. Beneath each sign and symbol, Is placed a different type of metal, corresponding to the planet and/or sign according to the ancient tradition (see correspondences below). The result is a genuine Talisman invoking the combined and united representation of highly ‘dignified’ cosmic forces, vibrating the music of the spheres in the different universal virtues of life, power, love, success, protection, security, luck and resilience,

“what is meant by the exaltation of each individual planet, in which it is raised up to a maximum of its own natural force. …Whenever in a chart the majority of the planets are in their exaltation, then they indicate the greatest prosperity” From the Mathesis - Julius Firmicus Maternus (306 to 337 AD)

According to the Exaltation scheme, the seven classical planets are exalted in these signs:
Sun- Aries, Moon -Taurus, Venus -Pisces, Mars - Capricorn, Mercury - Virgo, Jupiter - Pisces, Saturn - Libra.

This Talisman exhibits an Ideal cosmic state by which all planets are in their ‘Exaltations’ Signs (something which is never fully possible in reality). This reflects a paradigmatic combination based on the ‘Thema Mundi’ (the chart of the world/creation) at which each planet, representing a pure expression of a fundamental principle, is in its most ‘heightened’ position of exaltation, or in other words, is in a placement in which its essential powers and qualities are very strongly expressed and easily accessible. This Talisman reflects a very powerful state, at which all these essences are expressed together in equilibrium, invoking not only each unique planetary virtue but also their natural interaction and potential ability to work together and balance one another as an integrated whole. The Talisman expresses this planetary configuration using the corresponding planetary metals and glyphs.

Planet - Metal correspondence
In ancient times, astrology used only the seven visible planets – The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Each Planet has its corresponding elements in all the natural kingdoms (human, animal, vegetable, mineral, metal etc.). The association of planets with metals is one of the oldest and to a certain extent also the purest (less mixed) material manifestation of planetary energy and was very fundamental in the Alchemical tradition.
The ancients believed that the metals are a product of a long consolidation of the planetary rays within the bosom of the earth. 

These are the correspondences:
Sun + Leo = Gold
Moon + Cancer = Silver
Mercury + Gemini + Virgo = Mercury/quicksilver (replaced by Electrum)
Venus + Taurus + Libra = Copper
Mars + Aries + Scorpio = Iron
Jupiter + Sagittarius + Pisces = Tin
Saturn + Capricorn + Aquarius = Lead (replaced by Zinc)


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    • Verwenden Sie regelmäßig das KA GOLDSCHMUCK Poliertuch, um Ihren Schmuck effektiv zu reinigen.
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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

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