5000 Light Years Away Pendant Silver

5000 Light Years Away Pendant Silver

Based on a Crop Circle Design Found in June 2004, in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire

Find harmony with the universe and it's cosmic rules.

The 5000 Light Years Away pendant

New crop circle formation pendant based on an idea from Kathy Kirk who posted a photo of this formation on this page a few weeks ago. Many of the crop circles pieces are a brilliant form of art and usually revolves around Sacred Geometry. This one resonates and looks to me like a star system.

It resonates to me as music, cosmic music. This was found in June 2004, in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England. My most favorite symbol, I even had car stickers made of it.Kathy Kirk

The influence of these symbols on the human psyche
A couple of weeks ago I invited two friends to a small and excellent brewery in Tel Aviv called The Dancing Camel. As we were sitting there having a good time, the manager of the place came to our table and suddenly I noticed that he was wearing the “Personal Creation” pendant. “You know” I told him,” I’ve made this”. He was shaken, literally. To my surprise he looked at me, and asked me “are you David Weitzman?”, “Yes” I replied. “You have no idea, you’ve had such a huge impact on my life”.

He then told me that nine years ago he received the pendant from his girlfriend. Over the years he had a dream of becoming a writer and when he saw the symbol he felt the drive to fulfill his dream and eventually published his first novel, and this urge to create became his lifelong motif.