



The Magician Card

The second card in the Major Arcana. Card number 1. 
The Magician is the creative force of will and passion. It represents the ability and the power of causing things to come to life using words and conscious thoughts.
The magician possesses these abilities. The will and the conscious thought create our physical reality. This belief is mentioned in Genesis – the entire universe was created with God's word.
According to astrology, the magician is a representation of Mercury.
Mercury in Greek mythology is Hermes the god of wisdom and knowledge.
Mercury has the linguistic and the intellectual abilities. He is known for his slippery tongue but he also possesses the cosmic knowledge and universal wisdom.
Card Meaning
The card tells us that the questioner has the power to change the course of events. The questioner has talents, abilities and resources to use. The message is to use the potential and to connect with those abilities. It is a card that summons actions. The questioner must become the magician and fulfill his potential. 
The card does not promise success. The card points out that the source of the success is the questioner himself. The card implies that there is something that stops the questioner from fulfilling his full potential. It can be fear or lack of confidence or something external. The card encourages overcoming the barriers and becoming the magician.