Customers Reviews + Pictures

Showing 50 Testimonials per page out of total 5415 testimonials

"Hello David,
I have received your wonderful jewelry (the Flower of life pendant & I love therefore I am ring).
Warm blessings,

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver
» I Love Therefore I Am Ring Silver

"It arrived yesterday. My wife really likes the Flower of Life pendant.

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

"Thank you and many blessings I had receive the order, I am very happy, it is amazing to have something made in Israel, my God's People. David also gave thanks to this very nice."

Products in image:
» Ana Bekoach Star Silver

"For dear Yaron and David with many thanks, gladly pick whichever photo(s) you enjoy most, blessings from"
Maren Springsteen

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

"For dear Yaron and David with many thanks, gladly pick whichever photo(s) you enjoy most, blessings from"
Maren Springsteen

Products in image:
» Key of Love Gold

Products in image:
» Key of Love Gold

"Here are my photos. send to David thanks for the work done."

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

"Hello Yaron,

I've attached a photo of my friend Michele who I gave the Rafa pendant as a gift. Here is what she had to say about it. Thank you and David for your thoughtfulness and blessings..Lisa

"My friend Lisa gave me a gift of a healing circle .I can not tell you how much I feel all the energy and some things have shifted.including family issues from years ago,amazing!!!!!!!!!!!...God bless you!
never stop.its a blessing." Michele

Products in image:
» Healing Rafa Pendant Big Silver

Products in image:
» Healing Rafa Pendant Big Silver

"I just received the Chaldean Order ring as a gift for my birthday.

I LOVE IT. It means the world to me, and it is so beautifully hand-crafted! I could not be happier. I especially enjoyed reading about it on the script you included with the ring.

You do amazing work. I'm very proud to show it off. Thank you so much.
Teri Smith (aka Lilith)

Products in image:
» 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)

Products in image:
» 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)

"Hello Yaron,

I have just received the ring. I am very happy and thankful to wear the ring. It's an amazing feeling of fullfilling.

May I clean/polish the ring with lightmatrix-water? It's a water without any information.

Thank you very much!

Bernd Thomas Muller

Products in image:
» Priestly Blessings Five Metals Ring Silver

"Hello Yaron,
I received the jewels this afternoon.
I'm fascinated by the quality and beauty of the two pendants.
Thank you so much for your excellent service.

Products in image:
» Japanese Phoenix Pendant Silver


We would love to once again thank you for your prompt delivery (order number 15964) of our beautiful rings. Attached, please find some photo's as you requested previously.

Yours sincerely,
Joe & Elizna Schoeman

Products in image:
» Japanese Crane Ring Silver

Products in image:
» Japanese Crane Ring Silver

"Here are pictures of Carole's pendant. Please tell David She is very
happy with it.

Products in image:
» Saturn Talisman Silver (*Sold Out!*)

Products in image:
» Saturn Talisman Silver (*Sold Out!*)

"Mr Yaron and David,

Attached are photos of the divine reflection pendant, and the priestly blessing 5 metal ring.
I also attached one of my two birds, I know David has a thing for animals(according to facebook page), thought I would share.
I like his fish a lot :)

"David, the 5 metals priestly blessing ring is amazing. It has been a long search for a ring that was right for me. I even had a vision about this ring some 3 years ago. i did not know then it was five metals or what kind of writing was on it. When I searched for rings made in Israel, I found your site and I knew this was the ring that had been waiting for me. Strangely enough i had even remembered the flower like pattern(my favorite part) on the ring from the dream/vision. I probably sound silly now, but it is a strange feeling knowing you have seen, experienced, and felt something before you experience it in the present. Either way, I know I am meant to have it. Thank you and blessings to you and your family.

Products in image:
» Priestly Blessings Five Metals Ring Silver

Products in image:
» The Divine Reflection Silver Pendant

"Hi Yaron,

Here a photo shot with my webcam. I did subscribe to the newsletter already.

Rudolf Künzli

Products in image:
» Tibetan Om Small Gold

"Dear Yaron and Dear David,

Finally I received it yesterday with many congratulations!
Thank you for all.
Bernard LOUIS

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

"Hi David

I'm delighted with my Priestly Blessings Star thank you and have published an article on Bellaonline:

I'm attaching a photo of my piece if you want to use that too.

Lauren D'Silva

Products in image:
» Priestly Blessings Star Gold

"Dear Yaron,
today i`m sending you a picture of my new alchemical wedding talisman.
I worked a bit on it...and now the talisman is really perfect for me and i love wearing it!

I hope you like it.

Best wishes from Hamburg and greetings to you an David.

Products in image:
» Alchemical Wedding Talisman (*Limited Edition*)

"Dear Yaron and David,

look at the Photo, I'm Yoga Teacher.

Until next time, have very good luck.

Products in image:
» Sri Yantra Silver

"Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you! Here is my girlfriend wearing the ring. I got it for her as a present for passing her test to earn her black belt in Shudokan Karate. Some of our most important forms in this style are Crane kata, and these have been some of her favorites to learn and practice; what's more, the crane is her spirit animal, so all of this combined to make the ring very meaningful! Immediately after she put it on, she said she could tell that this would be an heirloom item that "they will have to pry off [her] cold dead hand!" Thank you again for such a beautiful piece of jewelry!
I will be mailing the Dune ring back for resizing in the next few days, as soon as I get the chance. Thank you again!

Products in image:
» Japanese Crane Ring Silver

"Hi Yaron and David,

I have attached a couple of photos of us wearing our new jewelry. You are welcome to use these for David's blog or any other promotional purpose. If you do use them, we like to be listed as:

Annie and Phil of the band Hobbyhorse,

We will add you as our facebook friend, also.
Phil of the band Haobbyhorse

Products in image:
» Key of Destiny Silver

Products in image:
» Dragon Pendant Big Silver

"Two photos are attached.
Anthony G.

Products in image:
» Genesa Crystal Silver With Crystal

"Thank you so much David! I received them today, and LOVE them! The craftsmanship is beyond perfection - so often I have had rings that have sharp edges or are uncomfortable to wear...this one feels so smooth and fits so comfortably; like it was made just for me. It just just feels powerful! I'm excited to see what this year is going to bring with this ring firmly planted on my finger and a year full of promise ahead!
I've attached a picture of the ring for you to see its new home.
I will send along a picture of the necklace once I give it to my friend - it is so beautiful I just know she's going to love it!
Thank you again for everything!!
Many Blessings to you and to David,

Products in image:
» Five Metals Ring Silver

"Hi Yaron and David,
I am sending you the photos of Donna and I with the ring. I can't express our gratitude enough for the great service you provided and for fixing up the ring for us. Donna is so happy with it. Thankyou again and look forward to dealing with you in the future.

Simon and Donna

Products in image:
» The Air Ring Gold With Diamonds

"Hello David,

I just received the flower of life and for myself and the abundance pendant for my brother. I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the ring. I must say, the ring is much larger than I thought it was. However I am very pleased with it. :) I am already wearing it and it feels great! I plan to order more of your jewlery after I get settled in my new place. I am very excited to see if I experiance any changes from wearing the ring. Thank you very much for getting the ring out so quickly!!

Blessings to you and your family for the holiday season.

Products in image:
» Flower of Life Ring Silver

"The ring fits perfectly and he loves it!
I am so grateful for the integrity of your work, physically and spiritually.

With Gratitude,

Products in image:
» Ring of Courage Silver

"Hi, that's me with my flower of living ring and my genesa crystal. I'm vey happy now.
Nadine Albrecht

Products in image:
» Genesa Crystal Silver With Crystal
» Pattern of Life Ring Small Silver


Yes indeed, it is weird. The pendant "oneness" arrived the day, short after my wife told me finally (it's ongoing for a year) to separate. There is still much love, but we have to go each our own way now.

The chain is a bit to short for me, so I put it on a photo of me and my first grandchild Melina (photo attached). There is a special connection between us, but I know there is oneness with all other souls on this planet and beyond.

I let you know, when the second package arrives.


Products in image:
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver

"To beloved David, Yaron and all the staff and support at ka-gold-jewelry,
I was led to your website in search of a ring that was an external manifestation of my internal belief in the God of Israel as the root of my belief system. I wanted a Hebrew ring made in Israel by artisans with a spiritual perspective on their craft. The 5 metals priestly blessings ring really resonated with me and I enthusiastically placed my order. All transactions went very smoothly and when I later ordered a Genesa crystal pendant (which I also love!), I was pleasantly surprised when you not only spontaneously integrated my orders together but upgraded without cost to me to expedited shipping... a further sign of the integrity of your business culture. When the ring arrived I realized that I hadn't given much thought to which finger I would wear it on. After a few days I decided to place it next to my Christ Consciousness ring, to me a sign of unity in Christ, which I have worn nearly continuously for the last 7 years. The arrangement is indicative to me of the Father-Son relationship, a relationship that is universally embraced by all men, and which I particularly hold dear. My paternal grandfather was killed in an accident when my Dad was only 13.... but as it says in Psalms 68:5... God is a father to the fatherless.... I have reflected many times how blessed I am to have my Dad.. In February of this year my only son Aaron died unexpectedly, shortly after his 21st birthday. The depths of despair which I have felt and walked through, the realization and processing of the fact that all my hopes and dreams for my beloved son were instantaneously shattered can be summarized in this quote from Washington Irving...
"The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced. Every other wound we seek to heal - every other affliction to forget: but this wound we consider it a duty to keep open - this affliction we cherish and brood over in solitude. "
I am doing so much better now with regard to my son, and though I still grieve and miss him dearly, I embrace the love in my heart for him and the grief as well, and no longer hold the perspective that my grief for him is something to strive to purge myself of... I accept it, embrace it and release it, and as a consequence have come to spend much much less of my time in a state of grief. I have asked that when it comes time for my transition, that my son be waiting for me to welcome me to paradise...

Attached is a photo of the rings on my hand...

Blessings, Love and Light to All,

Products in image:
» Priestly Blessings Five Metals Ring Silver

"Thank You Yaron and David!
Dr John

Products in image:
» Alchemical Wedding Talisman (*Limited Edition*)

Products in image:
» Merkaba Pendant Gold Big


Here is a picture of me with the Dragon Pendant. There is, also, a picture of a ring I bought you few years ago (The lotus ring).


Products in image:
» Dragon Pendant Silver

Products in image:
» Lotus Ring Silver

"Dear Yaron, Dear David,
I have attached two pictures (gift of time ring) to this email.

Many blessings
Christiane Weber

Products in image:
» Gift of Time Ring Silver

Products in image:
» Gift of Time Ring Silver

"Hello again
Here you find me with the new priest ring.
Dr. TSBranden

Products in image:
» Priestly Blessings Five Metals Ring Silver

"Here's a pic of the rings.......

.....thank you, they're beautiful.
~Helenne Irish~

Products in image:
» Abundance Ring Silver
» 7 Metals Astrology Ring Silver (*Limited Edition*)

Here is a picture of me wearing my beautiful pendant. Thank you so much. It has brought me luck.

Products in image:
» The Awakening Pendant Silver

"Dear David,

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I got the beautiful ring and I love it so much!

Guess what? The moment the ring arrived, within next 2 hours I got the job offer from very reputable company. Can you imagine? The powers that ring has already brought me!

So, since we need more love and peace in the house, my husband and two younger boys 6 and 8 in ages, suffer as my boys try to copy a lot my husband's bad habbits, but he is off and on smoking and doing some drugs - I wonder if you can recommend a LOVE ring that I should wear instead of wedding rings for both of us.

My husband melted his ring that we had since we got married and it was blessed by priest, as he had to buy his drugs, and I gave my rings to my mom to hold as I don't want to wear those.

Maybe you and David can think of something that will help us as making 2 rings for him and me to wear to keep spirits more stable for our boys. Or maybe a necklesses or bracelets - whichever you recommend the most useful for that purpose.

Again, thank you so much!
Best Regards and Love,

Products in image:
» Four Winds Ring Silver

"Dear David and Yaron,

I am sorry to get back to you so slowly, quite a bit have been going on. Here attached please find the amulet on me, attached by a silver chain and a couple of jump rings onto a garnet choker of mine. As I'm a Capricorn and an Aquarius (born during the cusp) with stronger tendency to Aquarius personalities I've arranged the Aquarius side to face outwards. I hope David would find the picture useful. If you need one including my appearance in it please let me know and I'll do my best to help. I have never really taken it off ever since I've received it. The amulet not only pulls the celestial energy from the twelve on the dodecahedron, but from the universe in general. I find it easier to become one with the wholeness of not only the world, but of the universe, during most times. Which before having the amulet required a high level of concentration on my end to feel so even in meditations.

Per ardua ad astra - and the infinity beyond,

Products in image:
» Cosmic Zodiac Pendant Silver

I just received the ring yesterday and I love it heartily. The Lotus Ring is made so fine and greatly fit my finger. The ring reminds me of how We are connected as One in the universe since eons ago, and Love is the savior of the world. When We are One, life flows within you and without you.

In the name of Love,
Faris Nasir

Products in image:
» Lotus Ring Silver

"Hi dear Yaron and David,
I wanted to let you know that i received my 5 metals rings today , it s really gorgeous , i love it , i wanted to thank u and David for this beautiful work

many blessings
m el khazraji

Products in image:
» Five Metals Ring Silver

Products in image:
» Five Metals Ring Silver

"Thank you both, David and Yaroon, for the kindness and wonderful gift you gave me.

I appreciate it more then you could possibly know! but I hope my little letter at least shows some of it. I tried to take a picture of the beautiful ring on my finger, but its very hard to get a camera to do justice to David's work!

Thank you so much, I will love and cherish this ring forever.

With love and blessings,
Dharma Wild

Products in image:
» Ana Bekoach Ring Silver

"Greetings from Tampa, Florida
Thank you so much for your work on the Eye of Horus.
Just Love it!!!!
Carole Mayner

Products in image:
» Eye of Horus Silver

"Dear David and Yaron,
Thanks muchly for this beautiful pendent! I like it very much and wear all time

Products in image:
» Key of Love Silver

"Hi David and company:

Just thought I d drop you a line to let you know how much I love my ring. I don't have a very good camera at the moment but I shot this yesterday with my webcam to celebrate the release of my book which is available on Amazon now! Since I bought the ring to celebrate that occasion I thought I would send you a copy of the picture. I get many compliments on the ring and I'm sure you'll see some orders again from me down the road as a second novel is in the works! Thanks so much...I shall treasure this ring's my favourite piece of jewelry!

Products in image:
» Journey of Life Ring Silver

"Thank u so much I received my ring on monday, 8/2/10. Its BEAUTIFUL. Great work, david!! I may want to order another soon, so I will touch base with u in a week..

Love& light
Priscilla loya

Products in image:
» Pattern of Life Ring Silver

"Hello David & Yaron,
Here's the pictures of my son, Christian loving your Jewelry.
Peace & Blessing,
Diana Cole

Products in image:
» Ring of Courage Silver
» Dragon Pendant Silver

Products in image:
» Ring of Courage Silver

"Dear David and Yaron,

Here is my photos with the jewelry for David's blog. The will power pendant visited China with me! The pendant is wonderfull, I always wear it!

Sincerely yours,

Products in image:
» Willpower Pendant Gold

Products in image:
» Willpower Pendant Gold

"Hi Yaron and David!
Order is received.
Many thanks to David for his excellent work and you for excellent service.
respectfully .

Products in image:
» Five Metals Ring Silver

"Dear David

I want you to know that I've received the Talismans one is mine and he other one is going to be a birthday present for my son. They are beautiful and powerful with strong and subtle energy that HEALS . When I had to go to the post office to get my package I was really excited and I couldn't wait to see them. I had a knee injury at that time that I had suffered working out at the gym 3 days before and that morning I was in pain and limping . I got the package and went home . When I opened the boxes my eyes got really big and I couldn't stop staring at them , they are BEAUTIFUL well crafted and awesome jewelry. I got the Talisman in my hand and while I was holding it I immediately felt my hand getting a little warm I then put it around my neck and within an hour I noticed that my knee was not hurting as much anymore as it did in the morning so I decided to go to the grocery store to get some food . I was at the store like 20 minutes or so and the pain in my knee WAS COMPLETELY GONE . I got home and later on I went for a long walk and NO MORE PAIN IN MY KNEE . This Talisman has healed my knee injury I still can't believe it !!!!!!! I have also noticed that I get more attention from people and they are so nice to me too. I don't want to separate from my Talisman and I feel its part of me now :)

Products in image:
» 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)

Products in image:
» 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)


I just received my order and I'm very happy about it.

Thanks to David and you,


Products in image:
» Egg of Life Star Gold

"hi David and Yaron,
here i send a picture where i wear the gift from david, the confidence pendant, flower of life pendant, MHS hamsa pendant, the dune ring, diligo ergo sum ring and shefa ring.
just thank you for all :o)
many blessings

Products in image:
» Hamsa MHSH Silver
» Abundance Ring Silver
» Flower of Life Pendant - Silver
» Dune Ring Silver
» I Love Therefore I Am Ring Silver
» Confidence Pendant Silver

I just wanted to let you know that we received the ring today. It is gorgeous- my daughter loves it! Thanks so much!

Products in image:
» Lotus Ring Silver

Showing 50 Testimonials per page out of total 5415 testimonials

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Email: [email protected]

US Phone: 1-888-215-6036

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David Weitzman Workshop

Phone: 052-7457224

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

Jewelry at Work



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