With the end of the year coming by and the holidays season in reach, many consider jewelry as gifts for there loved ones. We have collected 5 important tips to help you do it the right way and get the most joy for both you and the person you are buying for.
Tip Number 1 – Add a card with special text
Add a card with text. But not just text. The text should create a connection between the jewel meaning, the wearer and you. For example, the Mobius ring – “May this ring brings you endless joy and symbolize our unity and love.” You can also make it timeless (and thus more powerful) by adding – “May this ring becomes timeless and forever stay in your family for generation to come.”

Tip number 2 – Do your research upfront
Before you decide on the jewelry to buy, do some research about the person you are buying the gift for. Verify that sizing is correct (not easy if it is a secret). The sizing is relevant not only for rings but also for pendants, bracelets, and earrings. Do the design and meaning speaks to the person? Do they even wear jewelry? If so what type (rings, pendants, bracelets or earrings)?
Tip Number 3 – Be early
Don’t wait for the last minute. Although, you can find jewelry in local stores at the last minute this will very much limit your options. If you are thinking of finding something more unique online (like David’s designs) you have to give enough time for the artist to make the jewelry and for the shipping. We recommend taking 3-4 weeks upfront.

Tip Number 4 – Tell them why you bought it for them
Don’t just rely on the card and for the person to learn about the design by themselves, tell them why you have chosen this specific design for them and why you think it is special. If it is just jewelry that is beautiful you can share your opinion and how you think they will shine with it. If the piece of jewelry has a deeper meaning behind it, then read about it and explain the person you give it to about the meaning. This will show them you actually thought about them…
Tip Number 5 – Give them the option to replace or return
Not every jewelry gift becomes a success. The person you give the gift to may not like it. Give them the option to replace for a different design or return and get something else altogether. Try to be wise and look to see if they actually like it.
Specific note about David’s designs – Before deciding on returning the item ask the person to try to wear the item for 2-3 days. Just to get a feel of the item’s energy. They may still change their minds after all…