The Magical Pythagorean (Venus) Ring
Now available for Pre Order
On the 18th of March between 07:17- 08:04 there will be an exaltation of venus in pisces in the day of venus, with the Moon in Cancer. This special opportunity will allow me to create the special magic Pythagorean Ring. Pythagoras, the ancient greek philosopher (considered the father of philosophy) and his disciples claimed that the entire universe leans on mathematical laws.
The number five was peculiarly associated by the Pythagoreans with the art of healing, and the pentagram, or five-pointed star, because of it’s sacred proportions was to them the symbol of health. This magical ring was used by them as a powerful talisman. It is set with a diamond which is the stone of venus according to the ancient traditions and it is bearing the pentalpha, or star formed by five different positions of the Greek Alpha. It was documented in the ancient writings:
“The disciples of Pythagoras, who were indeed its real inventors, placed within each of its interior angles one of the letters of the Greek word ΥΓΕΙΑ, or the Latin one SALUS, both of which signify health; and thus it was made the talisman of health. They placed it at the beginning of their epistles as a greeting to invoke a secure health to their correspondent. But its use was not confined to the disciples of Pythagoras. As a talisman, it was employed all over the East as a charm to resist evil spirits.”