We are happy to announce that our Astrologer Michael Ofek will be giving a workshop on the combined worlds of Astrological Magic and Shamanism at the Open Center in New York this weekend (September 14th), together with renowned Shaman Itzhak Beery.
Participants in the workshop will also be making a Magical Talisman for the Moon designed by the artist David Weitzman.
About this Workshop:
Michael Ofek & renowned Shaman Itzhak Beery
Saturday, Sept 14, 10– 6 pm – Open Center – New York
An experiential workshop on the combined worlds of Astral Magic and Shamanism.
All ancient cultures revered the starry sky, planets, and luminaries. Understanding their intimate connection to nature and human life, they created ways of vitalizing and strengthening these astral bonds, participating in their powers and harmonizing with the rhythm of the cosmos.
Under a Pisces full moon, and with the perfect conjunction of Venus and Mercury, we will delve into the theory and practice of this ancestral tradition.
After touching on the essence of those astral practices, we will connect with the power of the Full Moon and its unique expression in the sign of Pisces. The water sign of Pisces is receptive and empathic, abstract and immersive, dissolving the veil between the worlds of spirit and matter — giving us a unique opportunity to expand beyond the senses, open our hearts and transcend our vision. Together we will create a unique Lunar Talisman for expending emotional perception, increasing spiritual intuition, and psychic sensitivity.
In this workshop, you will:
- Learn about the origins of this tradition and its connection with Astrology and western Astral Magic
- Journey into the different planetary realms for personal power, guidance, and healing
- Learn techniques to draw planetary essences, and create powerful Magical Talismans for a variety of uses (health, protection, memory, wealth, attraction, etc.)
- Journey into the realms of the Moon and the sign Pisces to connect with its power
- Create a personal Lunar Talisman* for increasing spiritual intuition and psychic sensitivity.
- The Lunar Talisman Is uniquely designed By the artist David Weitzman from Ka Gold Jewelry and Michael Ofek for the event
- No preliminary knowledge needed in order to participate.
Note: A $50 materials fee (not a registration fee) is payable before the program starts for a silver amulet, herbs and stones, and other materials that traditionally correspond with the Moon.
Link for registration: