We are very delighted to announce an upcoming Astrological Magic course, led by our Astrologer Michael Ofek
Ka-gold-jewelry visitors will get a 10% discount on the full course!
Link to pay with 10% discount.
Beginning March 5th, a month and a half journey, featuring 6 live weekly, 2.5-hour sessions, from the beginning of March to mid-April.
This course is the result of two decades of research and experience in Astrology and Astrological Magic. It is an in-depth reconstruction of the ancient practice and its fundamental cosmological and philosophical foundations. The course will firmly establish and cohere all elements of the art, and lead the student from a solid theoretical understanding towards the different stages of practical application. The study and training of the course will culminate in a live creation of a magical Talisman.
More information and registration at: https://www.hermetic-astrology.com