This is a lovely testimonial and a beautiful photo by Eden Clark who won the Genesa Crystal with crystal in 14K gold in our bi-monthly newsletter lottery (Notice the rainbow below the pendant):
“A few months ago I was the winner of the Genesa crystal necklace. I am a spiritual author & speaker and this necklace came at a perfect time, one in which my guides (Egyptian – Ra and Isis) had in the weeks prior told me they would be “bringing something gold” to me to aid me to embody truth in my writings. And then, you emailed me.
Well I had a professional photoshoot done for my new book, and I thought you might like to see this image. I am wearing the necklace you so beautifully gifted me, and if you look below the necklace you can see the photographer captured an amazing rainbow arc of light it was emanating (or perhaps from my lower heart / 3rd chakra).
Much love and blessings,