Five Metals Ring

Five Metals Ring
With Priestly Blessings
15% off until August 15th

“The wearer of this ring will have miraculous success wherever he or she may go”
Sefer Refuah ve Hayim (The Health and Life Book)

The design of the five metals ring (5 metals ring) is based on an ancient kabbalistic formula for protection and success found in the Sefer Refuah ve Hayim (The Health and Life Book).

The ring is made only once a month at the first Saturday night of the Hebrew calendaric month;

According to the ancient kabbalistic text, the secret of the five metals ring’s success is that at the specific time of the creation of the ring with these five metals, Jupiter’s influence is summoned forth. Jupiter is the star of development and expansion, and success is at it’s strongest at the specific time of the ring’s creation.

The layer on the top of the five metals ring is pure gold. Below it there is a layer of, electrum -an ancient alloy of gold and silver which replaces the lead, brass, and the last layer is copper, while the ring itself is made out of silver.

The ring itself cannot be made out of gold (14K Gold is mixed with other metals making it more than a 5 metal ring).

With Priestly Blessings
15% off until August 15th