God’s Word

Anny- God’s word 

Dear David & Yaron.
Thank you for the jewel that I have received, bringing a bit of each one of you all that I wear, but union with God that unites us all together. with others across the borders of cultures, of religions. I truly believe that each of us must do everything to become a crystal figurine for us melt in the diamond that love is God.
I have a job that leads me to experience suffering, I work in a medical retirement home, the jewel on me, is what God is my heart to go to all desperate for life and say when you believe that everything is finished, that a bird began to sing, you just listen to the soft murmur of life. Namely the light of the candle of hope when everything is black in our lives when we are the light and love of God, and we spend the night, to life Through my work, I often have to be before all the suffering, before all the absurdities of life. I wish in my hand the jewel, the Word of God, for a moment, the time of a prayer recreated by God to be with him, the time of an alliance and me a gift of love, sharing, speech providing all the faces saddened by the suffering and find in them the light that calls for life
Thank you for your jewelry for you, thank you for all.
I send you photos I took with the jewel and a picture of where I live, I thank God for the beauty of the landscape that is the mountain I live in the hope that it will always be preserved human stupidity, pollution of this beautiful planet, the creation offered by God
in the sense that we take care of the earth, and we each other. Hand in hand together to preserve the planet .
cordially prayer with you

Thank you Anny

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