Personalized Talismans

Personalized Talismans
Made according to Wearer’s Birth Chart Coupon KAGOLD2016

A personalized astrological talisman is customized to your own birth chart and crafted at a selected auspicious time to enhance the special qualities for you. Personalized Talismans capture your full strength, balance, potential and the true essence of who you are and what is your destiny.

The concept of A Talisman has its roots In ancient metaphysical and cosmological world views, mainly the Hermetic and Neoplatonic Traditions. Those philosophies serve as the underlying ideas and principles that are applied in the practices of Astrology, Magic/Theurgy and Alchemy.

The Ancients believed that the ‘Higher’ world is reflected in the ‘lower’, which is the basic premise of astrology and magic, and that by certain means one can Intentionally create ‘images’ that reflect those higher ‘ideas’ and their corresponding virtues, or as modern will say, the Archetypal essences or principles.

A Talisman is a generic word for such an object, it is a receptacle designed to capture a certain higher essence or ‘image’, as the biblical phrase goes ” in God’s image (hebrew: צלם – tselem) He created him”. The receptacle can be a specific physical object like a jewelry or a statue, but it may also be more abstract, as a special event, ceremony, or the founding of a city. The astrological procedure of electing the right time for a Talisman (for a specific purpose) is much the same As the rules of Electional astrology, which is a branch in Astrology That is concerned with finding Auspicious times for different ventures and projects, no matter how big or small, from finding the best time to go to war, or crown a king, to a opening of a business or publishing a book, or having a weeding etc.

Because astrology deals with time from a qualitative perspective, it is a tool for underpinning the different kinds of essential qualities governing different periods, much like a farmers almanac, telling us what is the best time to sow our seeds, for best results.

Utilizing the tools of the magical tradition, helps us to use in a more Conscious way the energies of our system and within ourselves, and help us navigate and control better those energies according to our wishes.

The Talisman is an intention born in time/space, just like a human being. It has a map that charts its qualities, aspirations and circumstances. Of course the Talisman is not a living body per se, but it is a living intention with its own unique spirit carved from the moving qualities of time, and given birth to by the Artist/Magus, who acts as a mediator and amplifier of the Talisman’s Intent. The Talisman is considered to have a destiny of its own (as was chosen in advance) it is encoded with its own ‘telos’ or functional and essential proposal. When one wears a Talisman the two destinies mingle, delicately persuading each other to a balanced state, in accordance with the needs of the individual’s chart. The Talisman carries qualities that will gently help the wearer as he gets more and more in sync with the talisman’s intention. Coupon KAGOLD2016
