The Diligo Ergo Sum Ring

The Diligo Ergo Sum Ring

This ring is created as a reminder to for the wearer of the huge importance of cultivating unconditional love in one’s life. Not just romantic love but way beyond that. A powerful tool on the journey for enlightenment and endless happiness.

The “Diligo ergo sum” ring is my take on the famous quote from the well – known philosopher, Descartes, who declared “I think therefore I am”. Descartes was trying to logically prove his existence. The popular phrase is also well known in it’s Latin rendition – “Cogito ergo sum”.

In this ring the phrase was modified from a mere logical claim to a statement that sums up the essence of the entire creation – “I love therefore I am” or in Latin – “Diligo ergo sum”. Human thinking with it’s limitations cannot grasp the entire universe and its essence. However the search for love and compassion characterizes the human experience. Decartes searched for a logical path, one that can be found in a cold, static unchanging universe. However, creation itself is pure consciousness seeking ways to learn , understand and experience itself. Since we are this same universe rising to awareness, the higher goal of our human journey is to experience love.

This is a powerful reminder of what life is all about… – part of our “Jewelry for Love” collection now with 14% discount.

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