Lior and Meirav heart breking story about the Vesica Pisces pendant
“Hi David,
My wife Meirav was born with a rare disease called scleroderma. The disease damaged her kidneys and five years ago, she had a kidney transplant. A year ago, the planted kidney stopped functioning and Meiravi became dependant on oxygen machine.
On October 12 2009, Meiravi died and she was only 37 year old.
Meiravi wore one pendant on her neck. She told me few details about the person who made it and requested to continue wearing it even when she was with a dialyze machine. She told me that when she will feel better we would go and get one for me. A little while before she died she requested to put the pendant on her again (it was taken off because of all the machines). After she died, Meiravi’s mother asked for the pendant and I gave it to her.
I searched for the pendant for days and night without success. I thought it was named something with Cherubim (because there are two holding from the sides). It was very important for me to reach the 30 memorial with the pendant. On Friday, four days before the memorial, I searched again using Google images. I reached pages 8-9 and 10 and nothing. I stopped and asked from Meiravi to help me to find it. The next click, I suddenly saw the pendant. I clicked on it and it lead me to Your website. The artist was found and the pendant that symbolized our life more then anything was found… tears went down and the heart was broken, even while writing these words.
On Tuesday, when I will visit her grave, I will whisper to her that I found the pendant and will carry it with me all time…
Thank you”
Dedicated with Love to Meiravi…

Vesica Pisces pendant with the Cherubim