Three is the mystery, come from the great
one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn."
The Enneagram Pendant Silver and Gold
The Enneagram symbol
The Enneagram is one of the most ancient cosmic
symbols. It can be seen all over the world. Its immense popularity is
due in part to Gurdjief's use of this
symbol to categorized psychological and spiritual human prototypes.
However, its significance is far greater than these or other uses. |
Enneagram- three pronged relationship
As we have seen in other symbolic designs, the power of one always exists in
a three-pronged relationship (see also the descriptions of the
strip, the
Gordian knot and the
Vesica pisces pendant). The
Enneagram pendant is altered from the normal
Enneagram shape (The bottom triangle is connected). The change is made to enhance
the understanding of the three forces of the universe -
negative and
This combination is symbolized by the three triangles of the Enneagram.
Nine points of the Enneagram
If we were to focus on the
nine points of the
Enneagram and numerically signify them
(1-9), we will discover that one triangle connect the numbers 3, 6, 9 (all extensions
of three) while the other triangles connect the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5.
1/7 = .142857
This equation is movements in thirds, 1/8 4/5 2/7. At this point the relationships
swap over, 8/1 5/4 7/2.
This can be seen if one repeats the equation: 142857142857.
These are not only number sequence partners, but interval inversions too. The
inversion of a 4th, for example, is a 5th. The 3rd and the 6th are taken out,
and together they equal 9, as do all inversions.
3x6x9 = 162
1x4x2x8x5x7 = 2240
1+6+2 = 9
2240 x 162 = 362880
3+6+2+8+8 =27
Great pyramid equations
Some of these equations are connected to the proportions of the
Great Pyramid. They are also connected to the
72 names of God in the kabala tradition. If you divide the middle sentence in
the first book of the old testament to thirds, you get 72 sections of three
letters each, which give the holy name of God made up of 216 letters (72x3).
The number 7 represents the structure of the
Seed of Life that consists of 7 circles,
the pattern for all of creation. The numerical relationship of 7 within the
Enneagram also represents the notes
in the musical scale, since all this reality is composed of frequencies that
are based on mathematical laws drawn from the Seed of life.
The Hebrew word for God "
Elohim" is
made up of three separate words: "
El, Ela and
Elim" which means God, Goddess and Gods. The numerological value of the
Hebrew word for the word three (Shalosh) is 333. The numerological value of
the Hebrew word "Alef", which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is
111. The Hebrew alphabet has 27 letters (22+5 final letters) which is 3*3*3.
The creator who is in a state of unity as "One", separated
himself from himself so that each living being
can perceive himself / herself/ itself as an individual, so that creation can
In this way three forces are
created in the universe - positive, negative and neutral. This combination
is symbolized by the three triangles of the Enneagram.
Enneagram pendant
The translation of the Hebrew engraving on the pendant is- "
Three is the mystery, come from
the great one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn."
Many the times spoke THEY to me,
teaching me wisdom not of the world;
showing me ever new paths to brightness;
teaching me wisdom brought from above.
Giving knowledge of operation,
learning of LAW, the order of ALL.
Spoke to me again, the Seven, saying:
From far beyond time are WE, come, O man,
Traveled WE from beyond SPACE-TIME,
aye, from the place of Infinity's end.
When ye and all of thy brethren were formless,
formed forth were WE from the order of ALL.
Not as men are WE,
though once WE, too, were as men.
Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth
in order by LAW.
For know ye that which is formed
truly is formless, having form only to thine eyes.
And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying:
Child of the LIGHT, O THOTH, art thou,
free to travel the bright path upward
until at last ALL ONES become ONE
Forth were WE formed after our order:
Know ye that these are the numbers of cycles
that WE descend from unto man.
Each having here a duty to fulfill;
each having here a force to control. "
Emerald tablet of Thoth
About the Author
David Weitzman
The jewelry artist David Weitzman combines ancient and sacred knowledge into a unique line of jewelry designed to bring people both beauty and inspiration. David's artwork harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing this sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement, and love.