Gordian Knot

Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.   

This pendant is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic pieces I've ever made. Its simplistic design holds many important key models in the fields of mathematics and cosmology. It is known as a Torus Knot and it's the most basic knot which can be made on the Torus Tube. The Torus Tube is basically a structure of a donut or a sphere that turns into itself from one side and comes out the other in a perpetual motion. In a spiritual aspect, it symbolizes the cosmos, as well as infinity and it correlates to the sacred structures of the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life and even the Golden mean Spiral or the Fibonacci Spiral.
Gordian Knot

Gordian Knot Pendant Gold Big

Price: $1,153 USD

Solving Karmic Problems

Over the years I received many responses, stories, and experiences from people who purchased this pendant. Many stories revolved around solving karmic problems, finding miraculous solutions, and even a few people reported that after they were free from whatever it was that held them back, the pendant disappeared, literally - they woke up in the morning and the string or chain were intact but the pendant was gone. Perhaps it has something to do with the mysterious way this piece came into existence.

My Personal story with the Gordian Knot
My personal story with this symbol happened in 2001. One of my clients went through a crisis when her son suddenly passed away. I went to visit and console her and on my way south I stopped at a shop to buy some music for the road these were the days before uploads, downloads, and YouTube. The CD I purchased was "Who's next" by The Who. In the bag I was carrying was a model of the triangular Torus Knot or Gordian Knot. I got the idea for the pendant from a friend of mine who was an acclaimed painter and gave me a printed drawing of the structure and insisted that I should make it as a pendant. When I asked him what it meant he wasn't able to provide any coherent answer...

On the way, It intrigued me, and I found myself contemplating on the meaning of this strange structure, and  I recalled the story about Alexander the Great and the Gordian knot. The story is about king Gordias who created a knot and declared that the one who will be able to untie the knot will conquer all of Asia Minor. Many came and failed miserably that was until  Alexander the Great arrived, took out his sword and cut it in a swift. This story indicates that sometimes the best solution is the most simple one and that the answer lies within us.

On my way south I opened the cover of the CD and inside was a booklet issued for the 30th anniversary of this record. I opened the booklet and the first thing that captured my eye was the words "The Gordian knot". "This is interesting", I thought. I played the CD and it opened with the electronic loop I knew from the song "Baba O'riley". I knew this record by heart but this time something interesting happened. Images started running in my mind and I found myself experiencing a situation that occurred 30 years earlier. I saw the composer of this song, the guitar player Pete Townshend, sitting in front of an electronics device filled with buttons and plugs. In some way I knew he was working on the opening tune for the song I was just listening to. The device he was using was some sort of a primitive synthesizer; he was inserting numbers and receiving sounds. Eventually, he entered the date of birth and death of a character knows as "Meher Baba" and the primitive synthesizer "emitted" a  tune. Although I didn't know who this character was more and more "data" appeared. First I thought of Persia and then of India, only to discover later on that he was born to a Persian family in India. This character that came out of those programmed tunes just made me laugh. I started laughing happily with no apparent reason.

The next morning I went to a store of another client. On one of the displays in the shop was a magazine and inside was an article with the title "stories of Meher Baba". The story was about Buddha and his disciple Ananda, who asked Buddha to show him what "Maya"-the "great illusion" was.In the Story Buddha shows his disciple how his whole life and everything he experiences, including time itself, are a total illusion. Meher Baba claimed that he was the Avatar of the age. He referred to himself as "THE COSMIC JOKE" which is actually the way that all of us, being unaware of our true nature experience life in a state of separation from our one divine source. one of his most memorable phrases is "Don't worry, be happy". and years later I discovered that The entire album of "THE WHO" that was actually part of a project Pete Townshend was working on was inspired by the British 17th-century composer, Henry Purcell which one of his most famous compositions is called "The Gordian Knot Untied".....


Gordian Knot Pendant Gold Big

Price: $1,153 USD

Here is a part of the Emerald tablet of Thoth that speaks about the idea of ONE and the three:
Three is the mystery, come from the great one.
Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.
In the primeval, dwell three unities.
Other than these, none can exist.

These are the equilibrium, source of creation,
one God, one Truth, one point of freedom.
Three come forth from the three of the balance,
all life, all good, and all power.

Three are the qualities of God in his Light-home:
Infinite power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.
Three are the powers given to the Masters,
To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination.

Three are the things inevitable for God to perform:
Manifest power, wisdom and love.
Three are the powers creating all things:
Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge,
Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means,
Divine Power possessed by the joint will of
Divine Love and Wisdom.

Three are the circles (states) of existence:
The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God,
and only God can traverse it;
the circle of Chaos where all things
by nature arise from death;
the Circle of awareness where
all things spring from life.

All things animate are of three states of existence:
chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven.
Three necessities control all things:
beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven.
Three are the paths of the Soul:
Man, Liberty, and Light.

Three are the hindrances:
lack of endeavor to obtain knowledge;
non-attachment to god; attachment to evil.
In man, the three are manifest.
Three are the Kings of power within.
Three are the chambers of the mysteries,
found yet not found in the body of man.

Emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

Dragon Pendant Gold

Price: $1,060 USD

Dragon Pendant Silver

Price: $111 USD

Dragon Pendant Big Silver

Price: $170 USD

Dragon Pendant Big Gold

Price: $3,102 USD

About the Author

David Weitzman

The jewelry artist David Weitzman combines ancient and sacred knowledge into a unique line of jewelry designed to bring people both beauty and inspiration. David's artwork harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing this sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement, and love.

David Weitzman Jewelry artists

Our Current Special:

Ancient Hebrew Seals and Jewels

The Designer - David Weitzman

David Weitzman is the force behind Ka Gold Jewelry. David has a vast knowledge in the fields of Kabbalah, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Egyptian wisdom, Jewish tradition, Tibetan Buddhism and other sacred concepts. David's work harnesses the power of spiritual symbols to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement, success, and love.

The Artist - David Weitzman

  • Sigil
  • Metatron's Cube
  • Metatron's Cube
  • Merkaba
  • 7 metals Chaldean Astrology talisman
  • Genesa Crystal
  • Emerald Tablet Pendant
  • Emerald Tablet Bracelet
  • Flower of Life
  • Venus in Pisces
  • Venus in Pisces

Personalized Cosmic Sigil

Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman
Price: $1,157

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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