2012 Newsletter
2012 with the Symbol of Light and New Editions of Two Astrology
For the arrival of 2012, I wish to give you and to the entire world
this symbol, an ancient
symbol of light. The structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the
first day of
creation. It is a symbol of the infinite
consciousness which is in all
of us, learning and experiencing itself through creation.
This simple structure consists of two crossed circles, by which one can
extract many geometrical and mathematical laws that represent our
It is an ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom and love.
The triangular structure with 10 points on the bottom of the pendant is
called the The Tetractys, a symbol used by Pythagoras from which one
can extract mathematics laws of music, beauty and harmony.
In the face of a sense of separation, ignorance, greed and hatred, the
symbol is a beacon of unity, wisdom, endless giving and love.
Share the symbol around and remember that one small light can
illuminate great darkness…
14% Discount on New Designs
Valid until 15/1/2012
limited Edition for Jupiter-Venus in Pisces
Over the past two years I've received numerous requests to recreate The
Jupiter-Venus in Pisces Talisman-finally the opportunity arrived!!
This week we are celebrating the entry of Venus into her
sign of exaltation - Pisces, by renewing one of our most sought after
talisman models. On 14.2.2010 I have created a talisman for the triple
conjunction (alignment) of Jupiter with Venus and the newly born Moon
in Pisces, the sign ruled by Jupiter, and Venus’s place of
exaltation. The same configuration will not return in the sign of
Pisces for many years.
The good
news is that on the 15.1.2012
Venus will enter the first
degrees of Pisces and it will connect with Jupiter in the first degrees
Taurus through an harmonious aspect (sextile- 60 degrees); but that is
all, what empowers their connectioneven more is that they are in
reception', which means that they are both in each others sign, Jupiter
in Taurus- the sign ruled bu Venus, and Venus in Pisces- which is
the sign ruled by Jupiter.

This is a very strong binding of energies,
very similar to a conjunction. The talisman design is a blend of Venus
and Jupiter magical symbolism. This combination of the two 'benefic'
planets is a strong talisman for protection, happiness, love, joy,
optimism, and healing of the heart. The talisman is made at the exact
time that Jupiter is rising which further enhances the Jupiterian
qualities of success, guidance and general good fortune. The design was
made by Astrologer Micahel Ofek.
Please notice that there will be only 15 talismans available!
New limited Edition for
Saturn Talisman
On the 12.1 I will be able to recreate the sold out Saturn Talisman and
use this opportunity before he will star his retrograde period ;and
then only on July/August I will be able to create a nother one just
before he will enter Scorpio. After that it will take almost thirty
years until he will enter Libra - the sign of its exaltation again
(this doesn't mean we will not be making this talisman before that, but
not in it's exaltation - which is significantly stronger). This time
the exalted Saturn is receiving beneficial harmonious aspects from
Venus (trine aspect) and the Moon (sextile aspect) with the Sun rising
in Capricorn (Saturn's sign), this takes place also at the planetary
hour of Saturn.The design was made by Astrologer Michael Ofek.
talisman gives stamina, and inner discipline, it gives the power to
achieve goals, in the most practical way, to build with foresight and
grounded realism what ever you envision, making the vision a reality.
It helps those who are lacking focus in their life
management and career
8 talismans will be made!

With great love
Happy 2012
David Weitzman and Ka Gold Jewelry team.