For the past few weeks, I've been dwelling in the depths of the Hermetic ocean of ancient knowledge. The Hermetic Philosophy is a significant part of the symbolism I weave into my designs. I'm fascinated by these ancient concepts and how, while searching for the Philosopher's Stone, one realizes many hidden meanings and secrets.

Equinox and Image of the Cosmos

Spring Equinox
15% Discount Until March 27th 2024

New 2024 Edition. Assemble on March 20th, 2024, between 5:45-6:15 GMT3 Givataim Israel.

The ancient Hermetic writings were actually translated by none other than Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), an Italian scholar, astrologer, reviver of Plato's teachings, and huge contributor to the Italian Renaissance and philosophy.

He was also the principal translator of the ancient collection of Hellenistic Greek documents, which are the Hermetic teachings. During this period, there was a "rediscovery" of the teachings, beliefs, and the arts of antiquity, including astrology.

Writing in 1492, Ficino proclaimed:
"This century, like a golden art, has restored to light the liberal arts, which were almost extinct: grammar, poetry, rhetoric, painting, sculpture, architecture, music ... this century appears to have perfected astrology."

He also wrote about the "Anima Mundi," or the soul or consciousness that connects and exists in all living things and its integration with the human soul:
"There will be some men or other, superstitious and blind, who see life plain in even the lowest animals and the meanest plants, but do not see life in the heavens or the world ... Now if those little men grant life to the smallest particles of the world, what folly! What envy! Neither to know that the Whole, in which 'we live and move and have our being,' is itself alive, nor to wish this to be so."

This integrated "aliveness" or Cosmic Soul exists in Ficino's astrology.

Tomorrow will be the moment for the limited edition of the "The Image of the Cosmos" talisman. Each year, I make a few of these special pieces according to the instructions of Ficino, The Talismans will be made at the first sunrise after the Sun's ingress into Aries, aligning the Ecliptic, Equator, and our local Horizon.

Equinox and Image of the Cosmos

15% Discount Until March 27th 2024

The equinoctial points are the places on the ecliptic (the Sun's path) which, in relation to the earth, make night and day of equal length. This means that the Sun is in the plane of the Earth's equator. Astrologically, these are very important times when a tremendous shift of energy takes place.

Ficino. In his revolutionary work (for his times), "De Vita" (the Book of Life), published in 1489 where, Ficino synthesizes Medicine, Astrology and Magic, in the chapters dealing with the subject of magical Talismans, he suggests a Talisman for the cosmos:
"How to Construct a Figure of the Universe."
"But why, then, should we neglect a universal image, an image of the very universe itself? Through it, they seem to hope for a benefit from the universe. The adherent of these things, if he can do it, should sculpt an archetypal form of the whole world, if he pleases, in bronze, he should imprint this subsequently at the right time in a thin, gilded plate of silver."

"But when exactly should he imprint it? When the Sun has reached the first minute of Aries. For astrologers customarily tell the fortune of the world - at least, what is going to happen in that year - from this moment, since it is the return of its birthday."

"He should, therefore, imprint this figure of the whole world on the very birthday of the world. But don't you see how beautifully the argument that the whole world was born at a particular time will help us in this discussion? For it is born in any and every year. In a person's horoscope, don't astrologers measure first what sign, in what degree, and in what minute the Sun was? And then they lay the foundation of the whole figure. And in any year thereafter, as soon as the Sun enters at the same minute, they think that the man is, as it were, reborn, and then they prophesy this year's fortune."

Equinox Talismans

Designed to capture the equinox’s energetic surge of the solar "fires," rekindling our inner power, illuminating our minds, and bringing creative motivation to act in the world. This is the exaltation of the sun (Aries), bestowing vitality and strength, magnanimity and authority.

Equinox Pendant and Ring

15% Discount Until March 27th 2024

Solar Flower Equinox Talisman

The Solar Flower Equinox Talisman is designed based on the eastern Hyacinth flower, which symbolizes the Sun at the center of our solar system and the classical planets as its revolving petals. These planets are arranged according to the 'Chaldean Order', with Saturn being the slowest and farthest and the Moon being the fastest and closest. The outer circle of the Talisman features magical Solar Sigils that are engraved from Albertus Magnus's (12th century) "Treatise of the 12 heavenly signs and their seals."

Solar Flower Equinox Pendant

15% Discount Until March 27th 2024

New 2024 Edition. Assemble on March 20th, 2024, between 11:46-12:15 GMT3 Givataim Israel.

Thank you for reading
Have a Wonderful Spring
David and Ka-Gold Team

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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