2017 Newsletter
Sacred Geometry and Crop Circles Formations
Much like an ancient temple or a classical painting, crop
circles are created in a visual harmony that is pleasing
to the eye. The proportions are balanced, the shapes
rhythmic and it seems as if they speak the language of the
Cosmos. You can find it at the heart of the fundamental
blueprints of many formations, sometimes blatantly,
sometimes veiled like a secret waiting to be uncovered
only by the most persistent of minds. This Secret language
is the language of Sacred Geometry.
The term sacred geometry describes the geometrical laws
which create everything in existence. It unites the mind
and the heart, spirit and matter, science and
spirituality. Everything in nature is made up of patterns,
structures, and designs from the smallest atom to the
infinite universe. Each of nature's creations reveals to
us the nature of that object and its own energetic
vibration. Thus every creation has a unique vibratory
frequency. The interaction of all the vibratory
frequencies found in creation show us the intrinsic unity
of the part to the whole.
Golden Spiral Shape
The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known
sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and
the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape
known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" and it appeared in
an English wheat field in 1999.
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"The key to the physics of the
Phi is a constant value which is even more mysterious and
profound in its implications than pi. Like pi, phi is a
number with no arithmetical solution. The decimals just
keep on going into infinity without ever repeating
themselves. The unique thing about this number is that it
can be found incorporated in many known organic
structures. From the bone structure of human beings to the
seed pattern of a sunflower to the spiral of a sea shell,
the phi proportion is there, underlying all biological
structures, seeming to be a geometrical blueprint for life
Plato went so far as to call the phi ratio the "key to the
physics of the cosmos". Phi is calculated at
1.6180339+..., and while it cannot be worked out
arithmetically, it can be easily obtained with a compass
and straightedge.
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Until November 21st 2017
Fibonacci sequence
There is a number sequence, known as the Fibonacci
sequence, which bears a special relationship to phi, and
to the pyramids at Giza. First postulated by the medieval
mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, this sequence was used
to describe the growth patterns of plants. It goes:
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233, etc. It is made by
adding the last two numbers of the sequence to get the
next one, as in: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, etc.
Double Helix Golden Mean
This pendant is a wonderful and unique implementation of
the golden mean in 3D. It is made to connect the wearer
with nature and find balance and harmony with the world
around us.
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Nautilus Shell Pendant
The pendant is based on the structure of the Nautilus
shell. The Nautilus shell is one of the known shapes that
represent the golden mean number. The Golden Mean number
is widely used in art, architecture and religious symbols.
Artists like Da Vinci and Kandinsky have used the golden
mean in their paintings.
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Researchers found that humans will consider beautiful an
art work, architecture and even a face that has the golden
mean proportions.
The Personal Creation Pendant
The shape of the personal creation pendant appeared in the
year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field with a
large diameter of a few hundred meters.
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The geometrical shapes in the circles appear near the
ancient structures of Stonehenge, Avebury and Salisbury
Hill. These mystical sites were built as markers of
heavenly bodies in ancient times. The pendant shape
contains complex mathematical equations like the Fibonacci
series, Pi value, the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life,
the Fruit of Life and the Tree of Life, all of which are
embodied in this cipher.
Galactic Harmony
This beautiful formation appeared on Windmill Hill, near
Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire and was reported 25th May 2009.
It is very interesting to see the tranquilizing effect of
this structure. People watching the symbol reported that
they experience a sense of musical harmonies upon gazing
at it.
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Until November 21st 2017
5000 Light Years Away
Crop circle formation pendant based on an idea from Kathy
Kirk who posted a photo of this formation on our facebook
page. Many of the crop circles pieces are a brilliant form
of art, and usually revolves around Sacred Geometry. This
one resonates and looks to me like a star system.
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Until November 21st 2017
“It resonates to me as music, cosmic music. This was found
in June 2004, in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England. My most
favorite symbol, I even had car stickers made of it.”
Kathy Kirk
Thank you for reading
With Love
David and Ka-Gold Team