Pentalpha (Venus) Ring Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Pentalpha (Venus) Ring Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Symbols of Venus Movement (Five-pointed star). Inlaid with Diamond. Limited Edition-assembled on January 8th, 2024, between 9:06-9:35 GMT+3

Ancient Pythagorean Talisman for Good Health, Protection, love, beauty and attraction

Pentalpha (Venus) Ring Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Limited Edition-assembled on January 8th, 2024, between 9:06-9:35 GMT+3

On January 8th, 2025, I had the opportunity to create a limited edition of Venus in Pisces Talismans.

The election window for the creation and consecration of the talismans was 9:06–9:35 AM (climax at 9:21 AM) in Givataim, Israel.

The election time featured Venus rising (conjunct the Ascendant) in the sign of Pisces, in a perfect sextile aspect to the waxing Moon in Taurus, which is the sign of its exaltation. Venus was in her own decan and term, and at the moment of climax, Jupiter was the ruler of the hour (Jupiter is also the classical ruler of Pisces).

This combination of Venus in Pisces sextile to the Moon in Taurus is a famous recipe for love and attraction talismans mentioned in several ancient texts. Astrologically, this is markedly auspicious, as both are in their signs of exaltation. Additionally, Taurus is ruled by Venus, meaning the Moon is said to be received by her.

A powerful Talisman is based on a very ancient model originating from Crotona Italy circa 525 BCE. The Talisman was made for strengthening one's health and for powerful protection.
This magical ring is set with a diamond which is one of the most sacred and precious stones of Venus, according to ancient tradition. The design is depicting the pentalpha or five-pointed star formed by five different positions of the Greek Alpha. This Star or Pentagram is also the geometrical figure drawn in the sky (in relation to the earth) by the cycle of Venus and is considered an emblem of beauty, harmony and sacred proportion by the Pythagoreans.
On the side of the ring are the letters of the word YGEIA (ΥΓΕΙΑ) (Greek for "health" root of the word Hygiene) are inside the pentagram, and the letters of the Latin translation SALUS are outside.

Venus Talismans help bring love and romance into our lives and strengthens our existent emotional and romantic connections. It heightens our sensitivity to beauty and our artistic abilities and inspiration. Venus increases personal charm, attractiveness and popularity (In general and In our profession-10 house) and also helps to calm the mind and body, and gives a more soothing energy to our daily lives. This Talisman is also helpful in increasing fertility.

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher (considered the father of philosophy) and his disciples claimed that the entire universe leans on mathematical laws. They believed that at its deepest level, the reality is mathematical in nature and that philosophy is a genuine tool for spiritual understanding. Moreover, they believed that the human spirit can experience unification with the divine and that certain symbols have real mystical meanings.

Over time this knowledge was forgotten and “rediscovered” in the Renaissance by men like Luca Pacioli, Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, and more. Their most revered symbol was the Pentad or the five-point star which was both the key to one of the five platonic solids - the dodecahedron and also the key to the divine golden ration. The Golden Ratio is the mathematical and geometrical law which resonates with the divine law of the cosmos itself. It can be seen in nature and even can be found in music. We, humans, perceive it as beauty and harmony.

Our ancient ancestors discovered that planet Venus creates within its movement in relation to the Earth, a pattern of a perfect Five-pointed star/ pentad so venus became the star of beauty, divine love creativity and harmony.

Pentalpha Sketch
This is the earliest known pentagram ring. It originates from Crotona Italy circa 525 BCE. This drawing was from taken from the book IMAGINI DEGLI DEI ANTICHI by V. Catari, published in 1647. The letters of the word YGEIA (Greek for "health", standard form υγιεια) are inside the pentagram, and the letters of the Latin translation SALUS are just outside.

It was documented in the ancient writings:
"The disciples of Pythagoras, who were indeed its real inventors, placed within each of its interior angles one of the letters of the Greek word ΥΓΕΙΑ, or the Latin one SALUS, both of which signify health; and thus it was made the talisman of health. They placed it at the beginning of their epistles as a greeting to invoke a secure health to their correspondent. But its use was not confined to the disciples of Pythagoras. As a talisman, it was employed all over the East as a charm to resist evil spirits."

The Pentalpha (Pythagorean) magical ring is a powerful talisman of ancient times for good health and protection.