Inlaid Pendant of Acceptance Gold

Inlaid Pendant of Acceptance Gold

Symbol of transformation from caterpillar to monarch

Acceptance and surrender to the present moment

 The Pendant of Acceptance

"Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days."

The Pendant of Acceptance is based on a design made by Holly Hopkins. Holly received the silver abundance ring as a gift from us and in return, she decided to send us this beautiful symbol. Her beautiful explanation and inspiring story led me to create the Pendant of Acceptance.

This is what Holly wrote:
"At one time you all gifted me with a silver ring of the symbol of abundance. It continues to inspire and remind me of the truth of what is and who we are - Divine Abundance.

Please find below symbol that I created about 5 years ago as I traveled the journey of cancer treatment. The unbelievable and transformative journey of a caterpillar to monarch butterfly was much like my journey. Each stage of the transformation depended on surrender. There is a moment in the lifecycle of the monarch when all the stages are together and visible. This is the symbol of the presence of the Trinity (scrunched up caterpillar at the top, the green chrysalis surrounding, and the monarch inside) of those stages and the revealing of the power of surrender to manifest a new life.

I offer to you, to use (or not) as you are see fit. No strings attached… just like you gifted me once.

Many blessings,
Holly Hopkins