The Light Pendant

Contains two known symbols – The Vesica Pisces and the Tetractis.

This structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us.

The Light Pendant Silver

Цена: $143 USD

The Light Pendant Gold

Цена: $1,298 USD

David Weitzman Jewelry artists

Заявление художника

Меня зовут Давид Вейцман, я ювелир и создаю космические украшения. На создание священных и символичных украшений меня вдохновляет знание, что я могу повлиять на жизнь многих людей. В своей работе я использую силу сакральной геометрии и священных символов со всего мира, чтобы дать тем, кто носит мои украшения, счастье, жизненную энергию, радость и любовь. Мои украшения специально разработаны, чтобы влиять на сознание и подсознание и дарить людям вдохновение. 

Ancient Kingdom of Judea

Related Testimonials

  • "Thank you! We are loving our last order - here?s a picture of it displayed at our store in brooklyn! "
    Molly & Emma

  • "Hi, Thank you so very much! The beautiful light pendant arrived this morning, it is gorgeous! Please let David know that I'm grateful and the craftsmanship is amazing! Many blessings! Thank you, "
    Franchesca Fernandez

  • "Dear Yaron I received my Light Pendant in Gold and I am so happy!!!! Thanks a lot to David. I feel very much blessed with this beautiful piece of jewellery. It’s much more for me -it will follow me in my life and will help me to find and to establish my balance and my center…. Kind regards from Switzerland! "
    Susanne Jadira Gränicher

  • "Blessings i have received my pendant today, thank you for making such a beautiful piece and i will treasure it always . "

  • "Hi Yaron & David, My pendants have arrived and they are beautiful. I am looking forward to wearing these beautiful pieces everyday. Below is the light pendant which is my favourite. Best wishes and many thanks "
    Danielle Hutchinson

  • "Hello, I received the Light pendant and it is simply beautiful. I intended it as a gift but it spoke so to me since I saw it online and more so when I received it, that it graces my neck. Many compliments and thanks. Best, "

  • "Hello, I received the Light pendant and it is simply beautiful. I intended it as a gift but it spoke so to me since I saw it online and more so when I received it, that it graces my neck. Many compliments and thanks. Best, "

  • "A big thank you for this jewelry, it brings me so much, allow me to shine every day, me and allows you to access things in me that I did not. It's a Light. In the shade now I shine. What comfort to keep my hands when I do not know where to go. Keep what you do, you let the world open up through your creations and this is important in these times of profound change. I work for the Light and Love, so thank you for your help. Because you helped me. Sincerely, "

  • "thankyou so so very much!! I received my amazing jewelry today! it is the most beautiful and unique pendant I've ever seen, I love it!! Thank you, "

  • "I received the lovely light pendant. Thank you! Some pics of me wearing it and the butterfly wing from a few months ago. Thank you, thank you! I love them! "
    Lisa Pinckney-Dumm

  • "I received the lovely light pendant. Thank you! Some pics of me wearing it and the butterfly wing from a few months ago. Thank you, thank you! I love them! "
    Lisa Pinckney-Dumm

  • "I received the lovely light pendant. Thank you! Some pics of me wearing it and the butterfly wing from a few months ago. Thank you, thank you! I love them! "
    Lisa Pinckney-Dumm

  • "Hello! I received the beautiful pendant! Thank you so much! So unique and lovely! "
    Lisa Pinckney-Dumm

  • "I just wanted to say thank you for these beauties. It’s my first day wearing them both and I love them more and more. 🙏🏼 "

  • "I have received my jewelry and they are absolutely stunning. The descriptions that accompany the jewelry are extremely touching. Thank you so much. I may have to purchase more when my finances can allow it. Thank you again. I have recommended your company to friends and family. "

  • "I received the necklace today and it is unbelievably beautiful!! You have very nice pictures on the website but I must say they do not do it is truly a unique and incredible work of art. Thank you so much and I am so excited to wear this on my wedding day! "
    Amoryn R Martin

  • "Thank you very much, I received the parcel today, the rings are very nice!! I really love them!! Please convey my gratitude to David for his work, you may also like to tell him that now he has an Egyptian customer:)))) and a big fan of his work. Best wishes, "

  • "Namaskaram, I am so grateful to have received this breathtakingly beautiful and exquisite masterpiece! Not only is it aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but I also genuinely feel the difference that the astrological alignment and consecration of glorious Jupiter has upon this fine artwork and I can see by direct experience that it is not psychological. I am familiar with astrological talismans and the distinct energies of Jupiter, I can confirm that I genuinely feel more optimistic while wearing it, that things are less limited, that there are more possibilities. I feel emotionally transcendental and untouchable to the worries of the world. It is like "of course I can do anything" and then I feel like laughing, it is like being encased in a protective bubble of benevolence. This is because of its rare astrological blueprint. A time when Jupiter was strongest in powerful and harmonious aspect & alignment, it holds a vibration and unique energetic signature of cosmic intelligence that can genuinely be felt! To top it all off the service and correspondence was top notch, the delivery was supernaturally fast, in fact, it was the fastest overseas package i've ever received, even faster than domestic packages from other states in Australia, It went from Israel to Germany, to Australia in only a few days around the peak Christmas/new year time of 2020. Thank you all at Ka Gold for offering this service to the world, for making this dream a reality, and a special thank you to David for sharing your wonderful gifts and talents with Humanity, you make this world a better place. "

  • "Good morning, It was received today! It's beautiful and fits perfectly. :) I will suggest Ka Gold Jewelry to anyone I know who is interested in this sort of work. Thank you very much, "
    Courtney Bishop

  • "Dear David, Thank you for your kind and personal service. I wear the Pattern of Life ring everyday and I feel that it is something very special. In fact, I often catch people staring at it, but curiously, never asking about it. I think it holds a kind of smiling mystery that is better not explicitly known. At any rate, I love it and love wearing it. Many Blessings to you as well, "
    Jhett Bond

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David Weitzman Workshop

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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