The Divine Messenger Gold

Connect yourself to the divine language of the cosmos

Learn to see the hidden symbols and cosmic messengers through your earthly life
$3,892 USD     (Цена in Silver: $337)
3.80cm/5.30cm -  1.5Inch/2.1Inch
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Описание украшения

 The Divine Messenger Pendant

I love synchronicities—the bridging of mind and matter.
These events take place in my life and are part of the quantum field that is our collective consciousness. I've always liked Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity. Jung proposed that not all events in the universe are connected through a straightforward chain of cause and effect. Instead, some events occur together in time in a way that appears statistically unlikely yet is imbued with personal or archetypal significance. For Jung, these "coincidences" reflect an acausal connecting principle—a deep underlying order that binds the inner world of the psyche to the outer physical world.
Jung collaborated and corresponded with physicist Wolfgang Pauli, exploring parallels between psychological phenomena and ideas from quantum physics. While Pauli examined non-locality and the observer effect in the physical realm, Jung saw synchronicity as a possible link between the structure of the psyche and the behavior of the material world. Their dialogue hinted at a unified "unus mundus" (one world) where mind and matter are two aspects of the same underlying reality.
When a couple of weeks ago, Kaylee Arama, who ran all the logistics at the workshop, was about to leave us (along with her dog Chika, who became the workshop mascot) for her medical studies overseas, she asked me to make her a crow pendant as a lucky charm.
So, I did, and while I was carving the crow wax figurine, I received an order from Deri, a customer of mine from Fresno, California.
For some reason, while I was about to finish the crow figurine, I had an image of her wearing a crow pendant.
Two days later, she sent me a message that she wanted a crow pendant that will be made during the winter solstice.
Well, the winter solstice was two days ahead, whice turned out to be the day I've finished carving the crow figirine..
So, I've made a silver version of the pendant with a moonstone and a small emerald set at the bail.
I've made it look like a Victorian era piece of jewelry, only to discover a post from Deri a day later with Victorian era ornaments.
She also asked me to engrave "As above, so below" on the pendant, so eventually, I made two pieces. When Kaylee came today to the workshop, I showed her the pendant. When she saw Deri's pendant with the engraving, she rolled up her sleeve only to show me her tattoo, which says, "As above so Below" for the Emerald Tablet. So, I've added the same engraving to the back of her pendant as well.
Since there are no coincidences, I've added this pendant to my collection and named it the Divine Messenger.
Throughout ancient cultures and mythologies, birds—and crows in particular—have carried profound symbolic meanings. Their ability to soar between the earth and the sky made them natural emblems of the divine, the mysterious, and the transformational.
Messengers Between Worlds:
Birds were often seen as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine. Their flight symbolized freedom and the capacity to traverse both physical and spiritual domains. This idea appears in many ancient cultures, where observing a bird's flight or behavior could be interpreted as a message or omen from the gods.
Symbols of Rebirth and Immortality:
In Egyptian mythology, for example, the Bennu bird—a heron-like creature—was closely associated with the sun, creation, and rebirth. Its cyclic appearances resonated with the themes of renewal and regeneration, prefiguring later legends of the phoenix found in other cultures.
Divinatory Practices:
In both ancient Greece and Rome, birds played a central role in augury—the art of interpreting the will of the gods by studying the flight patterns, songs, or behaviors of birds. Such practices underscored the belief that these creatures carried divine wisdom.
While birds in general symbolized many of the above themes, crows and ravens frequently took on additional, often more complex, layers of meaning:
Norse Mythology:
The god Odin was accompanied by two ravens, Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory). These birds flew across the world, gathering information and conveying it back to him. Their constant vigilance and connection to knowledge made them potent symbols of wisdom, memory, and insight.
Celtic and Irish Traditions:
In Celtic lore, crows and ravens are closely linked with the war goddess Morrigan. On battlefields, their appearance could portend doom or mark the presence of divine forces at work. Here, they embody the duality of fate—both heralding death and, through the cycles of battle and renewal, alluding to rebirth.
Native American Mythologies:
Among various tribes of the Pacific Northwest (such as the Haida and Tlingit), the raven is celebrated as a creator, transformer, and often a trickster. In these stories, the raven's antics are responsible for both mischief and the shaping of the world—for instance, by bringing light to a darkened earth—emphasizing its role in creation and transformation.

One of my favorite stories about synchronicities and birds is the story
of Julian Lennon, John Lennon's son, who shared that his father once told him:
"If something ever happens to me, just know that I'll be okay – and that I'll send you a message in the form of a white feather."
Years later, while on tour in Australia, Julian was approached by an Indigenous Aboriginal tribe who unexpectedly presented him with a white feather as a token of peace and spirit. This deeply moved him, as he took it as a sign from his late father.

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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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David Weitzman Workshop

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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