Кольцо «Diligo Ergo Sum», золото, узкое

Кольцо «Diligo Ergo Sum», золото, узкое

Символ нашей Великой Любви

Наполните свою жизнь бесконечной любовью и состраданием

The "Diligo ergo sum" ring is my variation/take on the famous quote from the well-known philosopher, Descartes, who declared I think therefore I am. Descartes was trying to logically prove his existence. The popular phrase is also well known in its Latin rendition – “Cogito ergo sum”.

In this ring the phrase was modified from a mere logical claim to a statement that sums up the essence of the entire creation – “I love therefore I am” or in Latin – “Diligo ergo sum”. Human thinking with its limitations cannot grasp the entire universe and its essence. However, the search for love and compassion characterizes the human experience. Descartes searched for a logical path, one that can be found in a cold, static unchanging universe. However, creation itself is pure consciousness seeking ways to learn, understand and experience itself. Since we are this same universe rising to awareness, the higher goal of our human journey is to experience love.   

This is a powerful reminder of what life is all about...