Кулон "Уверенность в себе",серебро

Кулон "Уверенность в себе",серебро

Тетраэдр с ивритскими буквами ВАДАЙ, что значит "уверенность".

Вспомните о своей способности творить реальность при помощи воли и веры.

Confidence Pendant

The confidence pendant is composed of four Hebrew letters that create the word VADAY which means confidence or sureness. The pendant's shape is a tetrahedron (three dimensional triangle) which is the strongest physical structure.

The confidence pendant symbolizes our ability to create reality through faith and will power only. The pendant is designed in consequence of a story that happened to me a few years ago:

"The next story emphasizes the amazing power of faith and will power. As a consequence of this story, I created the Sureness pendant, the Courage ring, the Will Power pendant and the new Confidence pendant.

When I had just started to create Cosmic Jewelry, I used to travel to shops and distributors to show my designs. I was very short of money and had only five designs. At that period I engaged in the idea that reality can be changed according to my perception and will. Every day at midnight, I used to meditate. I developed unique ways to focus myself on a specific goal or will and "Give it Life". It worked so well that people around me started  asking me to help them and to perform "miracles".

My experience proved to me that our consciousness can strongly affect reality even without any physical action (only by using our will power and focus). To remind it to myself, I wrote the word VADAI as a reminder on my cellphone's screen.
I identified with the fact that the letters of the word "Vaday"  can be found  at the bible in the book of  "Kings" -"Vayevarech David At Yehova" -"And david blessed the Lord".
Usually one can expect that it will be the other way -that the believer would ask God for blessing ;but this sentence indicates that the power or the grace are inside each one of us and we can use this power to change reality itesef.

A few weeks later I took a loan of a certain amount of money which I promised to return within a few days. I was not aware that it was the period of Independence Day and that all shops are closed so the chances to sell were very low. My family went on a trip that day and asked me to come. I told them I had to close a deal and they laughed and told me there was no chance. On the eve of Independence Day, I decided I will make the sale and get the exact amount until next day at midnight.

I woke up to a very quiet day. The phone didn't ring all morning and also at noon time. I kept my confidence that the deal would come.

Around 17:30 the phone ring and it was a customer that owns a clinic for alternative treatment. They used to purchase Merkaba pendants for their clients. We set up a meeting to 22:30. When I arrived we talked for some time and I noticed the time was already 23:10. The customer requested  several dozen pedants. I counted the jewelry and calculated the amount. It was only 70% of the amount. The watch showed 23:40. I kept on thinking – It can't be. Where is the missing 30%?

We kept on talking for a few more minutes. I even remember that the TV was on with the movie "Scent Of a Woman" with Al Pacino. Five minutes to midnight, I was about to leave. Suddenly the woman turns to me and asked for a few more pendants. She asked me to calculate the total amount so she could pay me. I clearly remember the moment the calculator showed the exact amount of the loan and I thought to myself - this universe has a great sense of humor…