Кольцо «Монада», серебро

Кольцо «Монада», серебро

Символ единства. На кольце выгравирована надпись на древнегреческом: «Познай себя»

Кольцо дарит тому, кто его носит, понимание тайного пути к собственному Я через мир отражений

The Monad Ring
At the center of the ring appears the symbol of Monad – a circle with a point in the center. Around the ring engraved in archaic Greek the only commandment for the one who is truly awake  – "Know thyself".

The term Monad comes from the Greek word "Menein" which means "to be stable" and from the Greek word "Monas" which means "Oneness". The ancient Greeks called the Monad – the base, the essence, the foundation and the builder.

The ancient Pythagoreans believed that nothing can exist without a center and that the existence revolves around the center. The center is the source that cannot be grasped or understood but can spread and become a circle.

The relation of the monad to other numbers can be seen metaphorically - any number when multiplied or divided by one remains the same; so the monad preserves the identity of everything in existence.
When the ancient philosophers noticed this they wondered how does how this one/unity state become the many?
The answer was "as a reflection".

The Monad is the first stage of creation from which evolves the Seed of Life, Flower of Life and the Fruit of Life and the pattern of creation itself.

The "know thyself" saying and the symbol of the Monad represents the hidden secret of creation-the ONE who dwells inside each one of us and experiencing itself through creation and life.