Courage Pendant Silver and Gold

Courage Pendant Silver and Gold

Instrumento de poder para sobreponerse a los temores

Sobrepónete a tus temores y pon fin al sufrimiento

"There would be no one to frighten you if you refused to be afraid."
Mohandas K. Gandhi

The pendant of courage is intended to give the wearer the understanding that fear is one of the greatest causes of ones suffering. It cleanses your thoughts, causing them to vanish.

The Hebrew text engraved on the pendant says:
"Cowardness is the worst of all measures. Fear is the gate that the fool opens and the wise locks. When fear sneaks behind you, know it is a creation of your thoughts. Clean your thoughts and fear will vanish. Only then will your life become valid. What is within you will bring you life. What is not within you will bring you death."

The text explains that fear comes from ignorance. Fear twists your real perception and judgment. Fear is summoned by the person himself by letting deceiving thoughts and feelings grow in one's mind. Fear causes the feared one to become blind to the beauty and abundance of life.

The pendant of Courage will remind you of the great courage that is within you.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will allow it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. When the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear

Over the years, these rings have ended up in many places all over the world with a flood of testimonials and gratitudes. Here are two of my favourite stories.

The first story was sent to me by a customer a few weeks ago. His name is Gregory, and a while back, I gifted him with the Ring of Courage. Since we all face endless challenges and struggles in life, Gregory decided to wear the ring both as a reminder to keep his faith and perhaps as a sort of a personal talisman, or in his own words:
"Good afternoon, David. I hope this message finds you healthy and well. I was the one who was gifted the Ring of Courage a while back. I received the ring and placed it on my finger. I would wake up every morning and meditate on it. During this time, life and living in general were very difficult for me, but I used the motivation and energy from the ring to push on. On April 19th of this year, I was offered to display a few pieces of art and accepted. I walked into the building, and there was only one other artist showing their pieces. As soon as I locked eyes with This person, time and space completely vanished. This person, I have come to realize, is my twin flame. My soulmate, if you will. We both have spent hours gazing into each other, trying to describe this feeling that we both have never experienced. It feels as though stars are exploding into life when we are together. Supernova bliss. I wanted to personally thank you, David. You have completely changed my life, and I give you endless gratitude"

The second story is about the famous Italian writer and journalist Roberto Saviano, who portrays in his writings the real story of the Camorra (Gomorra in Italian) - a powerful Neapolitan mafia-like organization), exposing its territory and business connections. Since 2006, following the publication of this bestselling book where he describes the clandestine particulars of the Camorra business, Saviano has been threatened by several Neapolitan "godfathers". The Italian Minister of the Interior has granted him a permanent police escort. Because of his courageous stance, he is considered in Italy a national hero and the exciting part for me in this story is that he is wearing my Ring of Courage…