Lotus Flower Jewelry Designed by the artist David Weitzman. Lotus Flower is a symbol of spiritual unfoldment. The lotus has its roots in earthly mud, but as it grows upward in aspiration toward the light, its petals open out into a beautiful flower. Om Mani Padme Hum, meaning, "Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus" is the sacred mantra of the Tibetans. 

12 Items
Lotus Ring Silver

Lotus Ring Silver

A Spiritual Symbol of Creation and Rebirth

Price: $137

Lotus Ring Gold

Lotus Ring Gold

A Spiritual Symbol of Creation and Rebirth

Price: $761

Ankh And Lotus Necklace Gold

Ankh And Lotus Necklace Gold

An Ancient Egyptian Symbol of Eternity and the power of the Sun

Price: $3084

Ankh And Lotus Necklace Silver

Ankh And Lotus Necklace Silver

An Ancient Egyptian Symbol of Eternity and the power of the Sun

Price: $306

Ka Bracelet Silver

Ka Bracelet Silver

Ancient Egyptian Symbol of the Life Force

Price: $309

Ka Bracelet Gold

Ka Bracelet Gold

Ancient Egyptian Symbol of the Life Force

Price: $5018

Lotus Earrings Gold

Lotus Earrings Gold

A Sacred Symbol of Spiritual Enfolding

Price: $610

Lotus Earrings Silver

Lotus Earrings Silver

A Sacred Symbol of Spiritual Enfolding

Price: $144

Egyptian Lotus Ring Gold

Egyptian Lotus Ring Gold

Symbolizes Purity in the Heart and Mind

Price: $1142

Egyptian Lotus Ring Silver

Egyptian Lotus Ring Silver

Symbolizes Purity in the Heart and Mind

Price: $170

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings Silver

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings Silver

Based on the the sacred blue lotus - most common symbols in the Egyptian art

Price: $175

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings Gold

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings Gold

Based on the the sacred blue lotus - most common symbols in the Egyptian art

Price: $923

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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